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The Works of Robert Hall with a Brief Memoir of his Life ny Dr. Gregory; and Observations on his Character as a Preacher by John Foster. 4 volumes of 6. £110.00

Hall, Robert; Gregory, Olinthus [ed.]

Catalogue No.: r8159


London.: Holdsworth & Ball.


[Reprint]; Published Date: 1832


220 x 140 mm (9 x 6 inches) - 524pp; 495pp; 504pp; 689pp.


Brown hardback leather cover.


G : in Good condition with marbled eps. Covers and spines rubbed and scuffed. Volume I: Upper joint partly cracked. Staining to prelims. Occasional pencil annotation. Volume II: Part of Morocco title label missing. Volume VI: Outer hinges cracked and upper board weak. Spine worn and part of Morocco label missing.

Volumes comprise; I- 'Sermons, Charges and Circular Letters'; II- 'Works on Terms of Communion, and the Difference between Christian Baptism and the Baptism of John'; IV -'Reviews and Miscellaneous Pieces' and VI- 'Memoir, Observations, &c.- Sermons-Index'.

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The Works of Robert Hall with a Brief Memoir of his Life ny Dr. Gregory; and Observations on his Character as a Preacher by John Foster. 4 volumes of 6.
The Works of Robert Hall with a Brief Memoir of his Life ny Dr. Gregory; and Observations on his Character as a Preacher by John Foster. 4 volumes of 6.