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The Earl of Chesterfield's Principles of manners and Conduct; Selected from his Letters to his Son [with] Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk. Two volumes bound as one. £86.00

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of; Monk, Maria

Catalogue No.: k3298


Poughnill.: G Nicholson / H D Symonds.


Reprint; Published Date: [1801]


One folding plate of the Hotel Dieu; engraved title vignette


140 x 110 mm (6 x 4 inches) - 252pp + index; 161pp.


Brown hardback half-leather cover on marbled boards


G : in good condition without dust jacket. Covers rubbed and with inscribed label to front cover. Ink inscription to upper edge of title page

Chesterfield's 'Principles of Manners and Conduct' selected from 'Letters to His Son' first published in 1872 ; Maria Monk's 'Awful Disclosures' first published in 1836 - this volume published c. 1854

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The Earl of Chesterfield's Principles of manners and Conduct; Selected from his Letters to his Son [with] Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk. Two volumes bound as one.
The Earl of Chesterfield's Principles of manners and Conduct; Selected from his Letters to his Son [with] Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk. Two volumes bound as one.