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Istoriko-etnograficheskiy Atlas Sibiri [Historical Ethnographical Atlas of Siberia] £320.00

Levina, G; Potapov L F [ed.]

Catalogue No.: k4315


Moscow, Leningrad.: Izdatels'stvo Akademii Nauk [The Academy of Sciences].


First Edition; Published Date: 1961


Numerous photographic illustrations and line drawings


420 x 280 mm (17 x 11 inches) - 497pp.


Blue hardback cloth cover.


G : in good condition without dust jacket. Minor marking to upper edge of spine.

Heavy book – extra shipping needed for overseas. Text in Russian. Covers topics such as reindeer, husky sleds, native dress and the construction of yurts

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Istoriko-etnograficheskiy Atlas Sibiri [Historical Ethnographical Atlas of Siberia]
Istoriko-etnograficheskiy Atlas Sibiri [Historical Ethnographical Atlas of Siberia]
Istoriko-etnograficheskiy Atlas Sibiri [Historical Ethnographical Atlas of Siberia]
Istoriko-etnograficheskiy Atlas Sibiri [Historical Ethnographical Atlas of Siberia]