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Sammlung von Initialen aus Werken vom 11.-17 Jahrhundrert. Band I £46.00

Arnold, Xaver [ed.]

Catalogue No.: r3314


Leipzig: Julius Brehse


First Edition; Published Date: [1900]


Colour plates


340 x 260 mm (13 x 10 inches) - 30 plates


Maroon/gilt hardback cloth cover.


G : in Good condition. Rebound. Slight darkening to pages and page ends but overall lettering clear and bright. Ex-lib.

Plates comprise examples of initials from 12th to 16th centuries. Lithography by Kunstanstald v. K. Stücker, München.

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Sammlung von Initialen aus Werken vom 11.-17 Jahrhundrert. Band I