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Commentarius Rinuccinianus De Sedis Apostolicae Legatione Ad Foederatos Hiberniae Catholicos Per Annos 1645-1649. Volumen Sextum. I. History and Authorship. II. Synopsis and Indices £34.00

Kavanagh, Stanislaus; White, Newport B

Catalogue No.: g6593


Dublin: Irish Manuscripts Commission


First Edition; Published Date: 1949


17 reproductions of documents, some fold out.


250 x 150 mm (10 x 6 inches) - 308pp, + plates.


Brown/gilt hardback cloth cover.


VG : in very good condition without dust jacket. Spine faded.

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Commentarius Rinuccinianus De Sedis Apostolicae Legatione Ad Foederatos Hiberniae Catholicos Per Annos 1645-1649. Volumen Sextum. I. History and Authorship. II. Synopsis and Indices