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Magna Britannia being a Concise Topographical Account of the Several Counties of Great Britain. Volume II. Part I. Containing Cambridgeshire. £160.00

Lysons, Daniel; Lysons Samuel

Catalogue No.: mgb02


London: T Cadell & W Davies.


First Edition; Published Date: 1808


34 b/w plates, some double-page. one coloured.


300 x 250 mm (12 x 10 inches) - cclii, 389pp + plates.


Brown hardback leather cover.


G : in Good condition without dust jacket. Rebacked and with new eps. Slight foxing. Heraldic plate to front pastedown.

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Magna Britannia being a Concise Topographical Account of the Several Counties of Great Britain. Volume II. Part I. Containing Cambridgeshire.
Magna Britannia being a Concise Topographical Account of the Several Counties of Great Britain. Volume II. Part I. Containing Cambridgeshire.
Magna Britannia being a Concise Topographical Account of the Several Counties of Great Britain. Volume II. Part I. Containing Cambridgeshire.