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Bacon's Excelsior Map of Yorkshire and Part of Adjoining Counties showing Railways, Roads, Elevations and Distances Also Local Government Divisions £44.00

Bartholomew, John G

Catalogue No.: bac82


London.: G W Bacon & Co Ltd.


First Edition; Published Date: 1901


24 panel coloured cloth backed map 900mm x 1100mm.


240 x 210 mm (9 x 8 inches) - 1pp.


Maroon hardback cloth cove.


G : in good condition. Cover marked. Some smudging to map, chips at edges and joints.

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Bacon's Excelsior Map of Yorkshire and Part of Adjoining Counties showing Railways, Roads, Elevations and Distances Also Local Government Divisions
Bacon's Excelsior Map of Yorkshire and Part of Adjoining Counties showing Railways, Roads, Elevations and Distances Also Local Government Divisions