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From Huntshaw to the Moon. The Life and Times of Earlston Golf Club 1906 - 2006 £24.00

Burnham, Tom

Catalogue No.: k4778


Scotland.: Earlston Golf Club [privately published].


First Edition; Published Date: 2006


Colour plates and b/w illustrations


240 x 160 mm (9 x 6 inches) - 464pp.


Illustrated laminated card cover.


VG : in very good condition without dust jacket.

The Earlston Golf Club was formed on 8th August 1906, making it one of the oldest clubs in Scotland. The world-renowned golf course designer, Mr Willie Park Jr. of Musselburgh, staked out a course on land owned by Lord Binning and the course was opened on 7th November 1906. The official opening was held in the Spring of 1907. The land had a special interest of its own being, in the seventeenth century, the locality where the Scottish Covenanters in the district held their forbidden conventicles, secret open-air meetings, during the period in Scottish Ecclesiastical history known as "The Killing Times". The course was closed during the First World War and was ploughed up to plant crops for food in 1917 to aid the war effort. Between the First and Second World Wars, the course was used again but, after WWII, there was no money or equipment available to re-open it.

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From Huntshaw to the Moon. The Life and Times of Earlston Golf Club 1906 - 2006