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A Treatise on Putrid Intestinal Remitting Fevers... [with] A Treatise on the Action of Sol-Lunar Influence... 2 parts in one. £190.00

Balfour, Francis

Catalogue No.: e4695


Edinburgh.: Printed by William Smellie


First Edition; Published Date: 1790


2 fold out plates


230 x 150 mm (9 x 6 inches) - xxvii, 148pp, 6pp. xiii, 87pp.


Grey board cover


Worn condition. Cover and spine worn. Upper board detached. Contents firm. Scattered browning. Ex Royal College of Surgeons Ireland Library.

.....in Which the Laws of the Febrile State and Sol-Lunar Influence Being Investigated and Defined, Are Applied to Explain the Nature of the Various Forms, Crises, and Other Phenomena of These Fevers; and Thence is Deduced and Instituted an Improved Method of Curing Them.' [Part I, published 1790]. '... in which it is inferred, from observations on the Urine &c. &c. that it occasions the daily and lunar revolutions observable in the state of fevers, of other diseases, and of health, by producing coincident changes in the condition of the constrictive power and balance of the vascular system; and that there is reason to believe that the sol-lunar influence exerts its dominion over every production, and in every operation and revolution in nature.' [Part II, published 1791].

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A Treatise on Putrid Intestinal Remitting Fevers... [with] A Treatise on the Action of Sol-Lunar Influence... 2 parts in one.