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Acta Physico-Medica Academiĉ Caesareĉ Leopoldino Carolinae Naturĉ Curiosorum Exhibentia Ephemerides. Volumen Quintum [Journal of Physics of the Academy of Medicine showing Papers of Emperor Charles Leopold Volume V] £120.00

Academiĉ Caesareĉ

Catalogue No.: j8919


[France]: B W M Endteri Consortium


First Edition; Published Date: 1740


Six folding plates (of seven?) with two additional frontis plates and plate (from separate volume) loosely laid-in.


200 x 180 mm (8 x 7 inches) - 546pp, 208pp.


Brown hardback leather cover.


Worn condition. Boards detached with heavy wear and loss to leather on back cover. Ex Lib (Library of Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland) Scattered foxing and off-setting throughout. Pages browned, commensurate with age.

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Acta Physico-Medica Academiĉ Caesareĉ Leopoldino Carolinae Naturĉ Curiosorum Exhibentia Ephemerides. Volumen Quintum [Journal of Physics of the Academy of Medicine showing Papers of Emperor Charles Leopold Volume V]