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  • To find a book (or books) by a particular author, e.g., Agatha Christie, just type in the author's name, Agatha Christie.
  • If you are looking for a specific Christie book, type in the book's name as well, e.g., Christie Witness for the Prosecution. (If you can't remember the exact title, type in what key words you can remember, e.g., Christie Witness.)
  • If you are unsure about the spelling, use an asterisk, e.g., Samuel Jo*. (Asterisks act as 'wild cards'.) In this case, books would come up by Samuel Jones, Samuel Johnson, Samuel Johnston, etc.
  • If you can't remember the author's name or the book title, just enter a few key words e.g. English Civil War
  • You can use AND, OR, double-quotes, brackets for greater control of the search results:
  • e.g. Northumberland OR Durham will find books with either Northumberland or Durham in the title/description
  • e.g. Northumberland AND Durham will find books with both Northumberland and Durham in the title/description
  • e.g. "Durham Cathedral" will find books with the exact phrase Durham Cathedral in the title/description. (It would thus not find a book called The Cathedral of Durham.)
  • e.g. (Cathedral) AND (Canterbury OR Durham) would find books with Cathedral plus either Canterbury or Durham in the title/description
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