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Don Caesar de Bazan
Don Caesar de Bazan
A'Beckett, Gilbert A; Lemon, Mark
Catalogue No. play032
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The Drummer: Or, the Haunted House. A Comedy, by Joseph Addison Esq. Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as Performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, Regulated from the Prompt-Books, by Permission of the Managers.
The Drummer: Or, the Haunted House. A Comedy, by Joseph Addison Esq. Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as Performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, Regulated from the Prompt-Books, by Permission of the Managers.
Addison, Joseph
Catalogue No. c0346
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The Works of the Late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq. 4 volume set
The Works of the Late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq. 4 volume set
Addison, Joseph
Catalogue No. r7106a
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Aeschyli Septem Contra Thebas. Ad Fidem Manuscriptorum Emendavit Notas et Glossarium
Aeschyli Septem Contra Thebas. Ad Fidem Manuscriptorum Emendavit Notas et Glossarium
Aeschylus; Blomfield, Carolus Jacobus
Catalogue No. e0013
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Ego 8
Ego 8
Agate, James
Catalogue No. eg-08c
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Ego 8
Ego 8
Agate, James
Catalogue No. eg-08
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Ego 8
Ego 8
Agate, James
Catalogue No. eg-08a
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Ego 9
Ego 9
Agate, James
Catalogue No. eg-09c
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The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy
Alighieri, Dante; Mackenzie, Kenneth [trans.]
Catalogue No. fol196
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The Sounds of the Mother Tongue
The Sounds of the Mother Tongue
Althaus, L H
Catalogue No. g4296
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Biographia Dramatica: or A Companion to the Playhouse: Containing Historical and Critical Memoirs and Original Anecdotes of British and Irish Dramatic Writers. 3 volumes bound in 4.
Biographia Dramatica: or A Companion to the Playhouse: Containing Historical and Critical Memoirs and Original Anecdotes of British and Irish Dramatic Writers. 3 volumes bound in 4.
Baker, David Erskine; Reed, Isaac; Jones, Stephen
Catalogue No. r6123
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The Albion Queens. Or, the Death of Mary Queen of Scots. A Tragedy, by John Banks. Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as Performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, Regulated from the Prompt-Books, by Permission of the Managers.
The Albion Queens. Or, the Death of Mary Queen of Scots. A Tragedy, by John Banks. Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as Performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden, Regulated from the Prompt-Books, by Permission of the Managers.
Banks, John
Catalogue No. c0345
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Shall we Join the Ladies? Four Plays. Uniform leather edition.
Shall we Join the Ladies? Four Plays. Uniform leather edition.
Barrie, James Matthew
Catalogue No. jmb41u
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The Admirable Crichton
The Admirable Crichton
Barrie, James Matthew
Catalogue No. jmb01ac
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Les Fausses Infidélités + La Mere Jalouse Épitres et Posies Diverses. Oeuvres Choisies de Barthe. Édition Stéréotype.
Les Fausses Infidélités + La Mere Jalouse Épitres et Posies Diverses. Oeuvres Choisies de Barthe. Édition Stéréotype.
Barthe, Nicholas-Thomas
Catalogue No. typ01
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The Swiss Cottage; or, Why Don't she Marry: together with - 'Twas I.
The Swiss Cottage; or, Why Don't she Marry: together with - 'Twas I.
Bayley, Thomas Haynes; Payne, John Howard
Catalogue No. play061
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Le Mariage de Figaro. Oeuvres Choisies de Beaumarchais. Tome Troisème. Édition Stéréotype.
Le Mariage de Figaro. Oeuvres Choisies de Beaumarchais. Tome Troisème. Édition Stéréotype.
Beaumarchais, Pierre
Catalogue No. typ02c
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Oeuvres Completes de Beaumarchais Nouvelle Edition Augmentee de quatre pieces de theatre et de documents divers inedits avec une introduction par M Edouard Fournier
Oeuvres Completes de Beaumarchais Nouvelle Edition Augmentee de quatre pieces de theatre et de documents divers inedits avec une introduction par M Edouard Fournier
Beaumarches, Pierre-Augustin Caron de
Catalogue No. L1623
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Bell's British Theatre. Volume 12. English Plays; Being the Sixth Volume of Tragedies. King Charles I by Mr Havard; The Gamester by Mr Moore; Don Sebastian by Dryden; Oedipus by Dryden and Lee; The Revenge by Dr. Young.
Bell's British Theatre. Volume 12. English Plays; Being the Sixth Volume of Tragedies. King Charles I by Mr Havard; The Gamester by Mr Moore; Don Sebastian by Dryden; Oedipus by Dryden and Lee; The Revenge by Dr. Young.
Bell, John [ed]
Catalogue No. bel12a
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Bell's British Theatre. Volume 14. English Plays; Being the Seventh Volume of Tragedies. The Albion Queens by Mr Banks; Anna Bullen by Mr Banks; Mariamne by Mr Fenton; Ximena by Mr Cibber; The Brothers by Dr Young.
Bell's British Theatre. Volume 14. English Plays; Being the Seventh Volume of Tragedies. The Albion Queens by Mr Banks; Anna Bullen by Mr Banks; Mariamne by Mr Fenton; Ximena by Mr Cibber; The Brothers by Dr Young.
Bell, John [ed]
Catalogue No. bel14
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