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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 62 books)
Ladies' Head-dress
Ladies' Head-dress
Addison, Joseph
I Contadini Della Toscana
I Contadini Della Toscana
Bicci, Antonio [illus]
Military Bands and their Uniforms
Military Bands and their Uniforms
Cassin-Scott, Jack; Fabb, John
Ornament in European Silks
The Costume of Turkey
The Costume of Turkey
Dalvimart, Octavien
Costumgeschichte der Culturvölker
Air Force Uniforms. Canada, United States of America. Encyclopaedia of Military Aviation volume 1.
Costumes Régionaux
Costumes Régionaux
Giafferri, P L de; Leroux, P L [illus.]
British Costume: Brooke Bond Picture Cards.
British Costume: Brooke Bond Picture Cards.
Ginsburg, Madeleine; Youens, Michael [illus.]
Vogue Patterns. Early Autumn 1973.
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