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The Roman Art of War Under the Republic. Martin Classical Lectures Volume VIII [8].
The Roman Art of War Under the Republic. Martin Classical Lectures Volume VIII [8].
Adcock, F E
Catalogue No. g6819
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Some Greek and Roman Ideas of a Future Life
Some Greek and Roman Ideas of a Future Life
Bailey, Cyril
Catalogue No. r1301c
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The Hand-Book of the Roman Wall: A Guide to Tourists Traversing the Barrier of the Lower Isthmus.
The Hand-Book of the Roman Wall: A Guide to Tourists Traversing the Barrier of the Lower Isthmus.
Bruce, J Collingwood; Blair, Robert [ed.]
Catalogue No. jcb1895
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The Environmental Evidence from the Church Street Roman Sewer System. The Archaeology of York. The Past Environment of York 14/1.
The Environmental Evidence from the Church Street Roman Sewer System. The Archaeology of York. The Past Environment of York 14/1.
Buckland, P C
Catalogue No. g8593b
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Epistolarum ad Familiares, Tomus I & II + Paulli Manutii Commentarius in M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolas ad Familiares, Tomus I & II. 4 volumes bound as 2.
Epistolarum ad Familiares, Tomus I & II + Paulli Manutii Commentarius in M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolas ad Familiares, Tomus I & II. 4 volumes bound as 2.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Catalogue No. cic05
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A Guide to the Roman Wall
A Guide to the Roman Wall
Collingwood, R G
Catalogue No. jcb1938a
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A Guide to the Roman Wall
A Guide to the Roman Wall
Collingwood, R G
Catalogue No. jcb1930
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Military Equipment and the Identity of Roman Soldiers. Proceedings of the Fourth Roman Military Equipment Conference.
Military Equipment and the Identity of Roman Soldiers. Proceedings of the Fourth Roman Military Equipment Conference.
Coulston, J C [ed.]
Catalogue No. j1201
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Eutropii Breviarium Historiae Romanae, cum Metaphrasi Graeca Paeanii, et Notis Integris El. Vineti, Henr. Glareani, Tan. et An. Fabri, Chr. Cellarii, Th. Hearnii, Ch. Aug. Heumanni, et Sig. Havercampi. ...
Eutropii Breviarium Historiae Romanae, cum Metaphrasi Graeca Paeanii, et Notis Integris El. Vineti, Henr. Glareani, Tan. et An. Fabri, Chr. Cellarii, Th. Hearnii, Ch. Aug. Heumanni, et Sig. Havercampi. ...
Catalogue No. 0431
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Some Inscriptions from Roman Britain
Some Inscriptions from Roman Britain
Greenstock, M C
Catalogue No. g9429
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Environmental Evidence from a Roman Well and Anglian Pits in the Legionary Fortress. The Archaeology of York. The Past Environment of York 14/5.
Environmental Evidence from a Roman Well and Anglian Pits in the Legionary Fortress. The Archaeology of York. The Past Environment of York 14/5.
Hall, A R; Kenward, Harry K; Jones, A K G
Catalogue No. g8593f
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Environmental Evidence from Roman Deposits in Skeldergate. The Archaeology of York. The Past Environment of York 14/3.
Environmental Evidence from Roman Deposits in Skeldergate. The Archaeology of York. The Past Environment of York 14/3.
Hall, A R; Kenward, Harry K; Williams, Dorian
Catalogue No. g8593d
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Environment and Living Conditions at Two Anglo-Scandinavian Sites. The Archaeology of York. The Past Environment of York 14/4.
Environment and Living Conditions at Two Anglo-Scandinavian Sites. The Archaeology of York. The Past Environment of York 14/4.
Hall, A R; Kenward, Harry K; Williams, Dorian; Greig, J R A
Catalogue No. g8593e
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Holy Land Pilgrimage in the Later Roman Empire AD 312-460
Holy Land Pilgrimage in the Later Roman Empire AD 312-460
Hunt, E D
Catalogue No. g1896
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Thirteen Satires of Juvenal
Thirteen Satires of Juvenal
Juvenal; Owen, S G [tr.]
Catalogue No. r7131c
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Biological Evidence from the Roman Warehouses in Coney Street. The Archaeology of York. The Past Environment of York 14/2.
Biological Evidence from the Roman Warehouses in Coney Street. The Archaeology of York. The Past Environment of York 14/2.
Kenward, Harry K; Williams, Dorian
Catalogue No. g8593c
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The Bath-House at the Fort of Chesters (Cilurnum)
The Bath-House at the Fort of Chesters (Cilurnum)
MacDonald, George
Catalogue No. j0301
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The Lesson of Imperial Rome
The Lesson of Imperial Rome
Mackail, J W
Catalogue No. w0067
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Medidas del Romano. Limited edition
Medidas del Romano. Limited edition
Sagredo, Diego de
Catalogue No. g7953a
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Opera Quae Exstant Omnia. Cum Indicibus. [Works]
Opera Quae Exstant Omnia. Cum Indicibus. [Works]
Sallusti, Caii Crispi [Sallust]; Burnovf, I L [foreword.]
Catalogue No. c4342
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