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In Search of Two Characters: Some Intimate Aspects of Napoleon and his Son.
In Search of Two Characters: Some Intimate Aspects of Napoleon and his Son.
Creston, Dormer
Catalogue No. j8711a
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The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCII [1792] Containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of Every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Powers [Vol I]
The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCII [1792] Containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of Every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Powers [Vol I]
Catalogue No. pse01
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The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCII [1792] Containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of Every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Powers. Vol II.
The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCII [1792] Containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of Every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Powers. Vol II.
Catalogue No. pse02
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The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCIII [1793] Containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of Every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Powers. Vol IV.
The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCIII [1793] Containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of Every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Powers. Vol IV.
Catalogue No. pse04
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The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCIII [1793]. Containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of Every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Powers. Vol III.
The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCIII [1793]. Containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of Every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Powers. Vol III.
Catalogue No. pse03
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The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCIV [1794]. Containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of Every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Powers. Vol VI.
The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCIV [1794]. Containing an Authentic and Impartial Narrative of Every Military Operation of the Present Belligerent Powers. Vol VI.
Catalogue No. pse06
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The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCIII Vol V [bound with] Narrative of the Events of the Siege of Lyons Translated from the French
The Political State of Europe for the Year MDCCXCIII Vol V [bound with] Narrative of the Events of the Siege of Lyons Translated from the French
Editor; [Béraud, Paul-Émilien]
Catalogue No. pse05
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The 2/73rd At Waterloo Including A Roll of All Ranks Present
The 2/73rd At Waterloo Including A Roll of All Ranks Present
Lagden, Alan; Sly, John
Catalogue No. k1439
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The Private Life of Napoleon. Two volume set.
The Private Life of Napoleon. Two volume set.
Levy, Arthur; Simeon, Stephen Louis [transl.]
Catalogue No. j7967
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Nelson & Napoléon
Nelson & Napoléon
Lincoln, Margarette [ed.]
Catalogue No. 2859
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The Fall of Napoleon: An Historical Memoir. Three volume set.
The Fall of Napoleon: An Historical Memoir. Three volume set.
Mitchell, J
Catalogue No. j7964
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History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France. From the year 1807 to the Year 1814. 6 volume set.
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France. From the year 1807 to the Year 1814. 6 volume set.
Napier, William Frances Patrick
Catalogue No. r1059
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The Trial of John Peltier Esq. for a Libel Against Buonaparté at the King's Bench Middlesex on Monday 21st February 1803.
The Trial of John Peltier Esq. for a Libel Against Buonaparté at the King's Bench Middlesex on Monday 21st February 1803.
Peltier, John; Adams [transcribed]
Catalogue No. j7968
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The Life and Times of Napoleon
The Life and Times of Napoleon
Rivoire, Mario
Catalogue No. bgn004
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De Hundrede Dage [The Hundred Days]. Waterloo.
De Hundrede Dage [The Hundred Days]. Waterloo.
Schmidt, Karl
Catalogue No. k4445
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Napoleons Hjemkomst fra Elba [Homecoming from Elba]. 1ste-20de Marts 1815.
Napoleons Hjemkomst fra Elba [Homecoming from Elba]. 1ste-20de Marts 1815.
Schmidt, Karl
Catalogue No. k4445b
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Histoire de Napoléon et de la Grande-Armée. Two volume set.
Histoire de Napoléon et de la Grande-Armée. Two volume set.
Ségur, Compte de
Catalogue No. j7963
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Napoleon; or, The Emporer and the Soldier
Napoleon; or, The Emporer and the Soldier
Walker, John
Catalogue No. play037
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Displaying 1 to 18 (of 18 books) Result Pages:  1