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Letters and Papers from Prison. The Enlarged Edition .
Letters and Papers from Prison. The Enlarged Edition .
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; Bethge, Eberhard [ed.]
The Diaries of William Brewis of Mitford. 1833 - 1850.
The Diaries of William Brewis of Mitford. 1833 - 1850.
Brewis, William; Kristensen, Hilary [ed.]
The Last of the Derwentwaters + Jottings of Original Matter from the Diary of Amelia, Countess and Heiress of Darwentwater. Two Volumes Bound as One.
The Last of the Derwentwaters + Jottings of Original Matter from the Diary of Amelia, Countess and H...
Crosthwaite, J Fisher; Darwentwater [Derwentwater], Amelia Countess of
Diary of a Provincial Lady
Diary of a Provincial Lady
Delafield, E M; Bentley, Nicholas [illus.]
John Evelyn's Diary: A Selection.
John Evelyn's Diary: A Selection.
Evelyn, John; Francis, Philip [ed.]
Where Truth Abides. Diaries of the 4th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyme. Signed copy
Where Truth Abides. Diaries of the 4th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyme. Signed copy
Fletcher, John [ed.]; Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham Fiennes [4th Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyme]
Geoffrey Madan's Notebooks. A Selection
Geoffrey Madan's Notebooks. A Selection
Gere, J A; Sparrow, John [eds.]; Macmillan, Harold [foreword]
Oeuvres Complètes de Julien Green. 9 volume [of 10] set. Limited Edition
The Diary of Colonel Peter Hawker 1802-1853. 2 volume set.
The Diary of Colonel Peter Hawker 1802-1853. 2 volume set.
Hawker, Peter; Payne-Gallwey, Ralph [intro.]; McKelvie, Colin Laurie [foreword]
I Saw a Ship a'Sailing
Kilvert's Diary 1870-1879. Illustrated edition.
Kilvert's Diary 1870-1879. Illustrated edition.
Kilvert, Francis; Plomer, William [ed.]
Kilvert's Diary. 3 volume set.
Kilvert's Diary. 3 volume set.
Kilvert, Francis; Plomer, William [ed.]
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