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My Layde Nevells Booke of Virginal Music
My Layde Nevells Booke of Virginal Music
Andrews, Hilda [ed]; Byrd, William
Catalogue No. k3410
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Later Renaissance Architecture  in England. A Series of Examples of the Domestic Buildings Erected Subsequent to the Elizabethan Period. 2 volume set.
Later Renaissance Architecture in England. A Series of Examples of the Domestic Buildings Erected Subsequent to the Elizabethan Period. 2 volume set.
Belcher, John; Macartney, Mervyn E
Catalogue No. g8471
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Sunderland Wills and Inventories 1601 - 1650. The Surtees Society Vol. 214
Sunderland Wills and Inventories 1601 - 1650. The Surtees Society Vol. 214
Briggs, Joan et al [ed.]
Catalogue No. ss-214
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Eikon Basilike: Le Portrait Du Roy De La Grand Bretagne. Facit de la propre amin durant la solitude & les souffrances. Rom. 8. Pu.s que vainqueur, &c. Bona agere, & mala pati, Regium est.
Eikon Basilike: Le Portrait Du Roy De La Grand Bretagne. Facit de la propre amin durant la solitude & les souffrances. Rom. 8. Pu.s que vainqueur, &c. Bona agere, & mala pati, Regium est.
Charles I
Catalogue No. g5920
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Elizabethan Keswick. Extracts from the Original Account Books 1564-1577, of the German Miners, in the Archives of Augsburg. Tract Series, No.VIII.
Elizabethan Keswick. Extracts from the Original Account Books 1564-1577, of the German Miners, in the Archives of Augsburg. Tract Series, No.VIII.
Collingwood, W G
Catalogue No. wgc07
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Conferences and Combination Lectures in the Elizabethan Church, 1582-1590. Church of England Record Society 10.
Conferences and Combination Lectures in the Elizabethan Church, 1582-1590. Church of England Record Society 10.
Collinson, Patrick; Craig, John; Usher, Brett [Ed.]
Catalogue No. j9862
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The Panorama of London circa 1544 by Anthonis van den Wyngaerde. Publication No. 151.
The Panorama of London circa 1544 by Anthonis van den Wyngaerde. Publication No. 151.
Colvin, Howard; Foister, Susan [eds.]
Catalogue No. k3946
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The Private Lives of the Tudor Monarchs
The Private Lives of the Tudor Monarchs
Falkus, Christopher [ed.]
Catalogue No. fol298bb
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Dorset Quarter Sessions Order Book 1625-1638. A Calendar.
Dorset Quarter Sessions Order Book 1625-1638. A Calendar.
Hearing, Terry; Bridges, Sarah
Catalogue No. j4693
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Collected Works of Robert Hooke III. The Posthumous Works of Robert Hooke.
Collected Works of Robert Hooke III. The Posthumous Works of Robert Hooke.
Hooke, Robert; Waller, Richard [ed.]; Fabian, Bernhard [facsimile ed.]
Catalogue No. k3452
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Town and Gun. the 17th Century Defences of Hull
Town and Gun. the 17th Century Defences of Hull
Howes, Audrey; Foreman, Martin
Catalogue No. k4596
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Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson, Governor of Nottingham Castle and Town. Two volume set.
Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson, Governor of Nottingham Castle and Town. Two volume set.
Hutchinson, Lucy
Catalogue No. r5826
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An Account of the Preservation of King Charles II after the Battle of Worcester, Drawn Up by Himself. To Which are Added, His Letters to Several Persons.
An Account of the Preservation of King Charles II after the Battle of Worcester, Drawn Up by Himself. To Which are Added, His Letters to Several Persons.
King Charles II; Dalrymple, David [ed.]
Catalogue No. 0921b
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Homes and Haunts of the Pilgrim Fathers
Homes and Haunts of the Pilgrim Fathers
Mackennal, Alexander; Whymper, Charles [illus.]
Catalogue No. e6769a
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Queenship and Political Discourse in the Elizabethan Realms
Queenship and Political Discourse in the Elizabethan Realms
Mears, Natalie
Catalogue No. e5558
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Canterburies Doome. Or The First Part of a Compleat History of the Commitment, Charge, Tryall, Condemnation, Execution of William Laud Late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.
Canterburies Doome. Or The First Part of a Compleat History of the Commitment, Charge, Tryall, Condemnation, Execution of William Laud Late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.
Prynne, William
Catalogue No. e6378
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In Fine Style. The Art of Tudor and Stuart Fashion.
In Fine Style. The Art of Tudor and Stuart Fashion.
Reynolds, Anna
Catalogue No. k2851
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Women Waging Law in Elizabethan England
Women Waging Law in Elizabethan England
Stretton, Tim
Catalogue No. k4605
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The Daughter of Time. 2006.
The Daughter of Time. 2006.
Tey, Josephine; Weller, Lucy [illus.]
Catalogue No. fol806
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Inuentaries [Inventaries] de la Descosse Douairiere de France. Catalogues of the Jewels, Dresses, Furniture, Books and Paintings of  Mary Queen of Scots 1556-1569. Association copy.
Inuentaries [Inventaries] de la Descosse Douairiere de France. Catalogues of the Jewels, Dresses, Furniture, Books and Paintings of Mary Queen of Scots 1556-1569. Association copy.
The Bannatyne Club
Catalogue No. j8791
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