Title |
Price |
Josef Albers. A National Touring from The South Bank Centre 1994. Albers, Josef; Weber, Nicholas Fox [preface.]; et al Catalogue No. c4254 |
£24.00 ($30.07) |
Flexible Altenburger, Stefan; Borland, Christine; et al Catalogue No. j8531 |
£42.00 ($52.63) |
The Other Story: Afro-Asian Artists in Post-War Britain Araeen, Rasheed Catalogue No. j3989a |
£160.00 ($200.50) |
Open the Kimono. Bacher, Lutz Catalogue No. k5047 |
£42.00 ($52.63) |
Sculpture. Exhibition Catalogue Berlin, Sven Catalogue No. k5017 |
£9.60 ($12.03) |
Soul Blackson, Robert; Clapp, Edward P Catalogue No. k0864 |
£44.00 ($55.14) |
Ramboys. A Bookless Novel. Signed copy. Brut, Egon; Evergonni, Celluloso; Gonzales, Eve R Catalogue No. k5045 |
£36.00 ($45.11) |
Anya Gallaccio Bryson, Norman; Fer, Briony; Sanroman, Lucia and Van Adrichem, Jan [texts]tro.] Catalogue No. r9503 |
£98.00 ($122.81) |
Women By Women Delius, Peter; Slaski, Jacek [eds.]; Hack, Sophie; Kuhnen, Stephanie [intro.] Catalogue No. k4529 |
£24.00 ($30.07) |
Painted with My Hair. The Dungeon Art of Donny Johnson. Dibb, Mike; Johnson, Donny; et al. Catalogue No. c4624 |
£52.00 ($65.16) |
The Concise Catalogue of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art Elliott, Patrick Catalogue No. r0994 |
£12.60 ($15.79) |
Image As Language. Aspects of British Art 1950-1968. A Pelican Original. Finch, Christopher Catalogue No. k5016 |
£9.60 ($12.03) |
Pop Art Object and Image. Finch, Christopher Catalogue No. k5046 |
£14.60 ($18.30) |
Garton European Prints Catalogue 3 Autumn 1990 Garton European Prints PLC; Kandinsky, Wassily; Corinth, Lovis; Beckmann, Max et al. Catalogue No. k4811 |
£24.00 ($30.07) |
Taratantara Kapoor, Anish; Allthorpe-Guyton, Marjorie; Cork, Richard; Deacon, Richard [text] Catalogue No. k4695 |
£140.00 ($175.44) |
O Hanami. Signed copy. Kenny, Paul Catalogue No. f0289 |
£24.00 ($30.07) |
O Hanami. Signed copy. Kenny, Paul Catalogue No. f0289a |
£24.00 ($30.07) |
Open Heart Surgery Mousawi, Aya; Sakhai, Simon [eds.] Catalogue No. k0678 |
£36.00 ($45.11) |
Getekend In Westerbork: Leven en Werk Van Leo Kok 1923-1945. Westerbork Drawings: The Life and Work of Leo Kok 1923-1945. Nijstad, Jaap [Edit.]; Gogol, Sheila [trans.] Catalogue No. f0290 |
£44.00 ($55.14) |
Elsa Pollak. Auschwitz 5170. Pollak, Elsa; Dagon, Yoav [intro.] Catalogue No. c3990 |
£28.00 ($35.09) |