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Surgical Observations of the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases; and on Aneurisms
Surgical Observations of the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases; and on Aneurisms
Abernethy, John
Catalogue No. c1483
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A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs [in Both Sexes.]. Part I - Non-Specific Diseases. Part II - Syphilis.
A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs [in Both Sexes.]. Part I - Non-Specific Diseases. Part II - Syphilis.
Acton, William
Catalogue No. e4959
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An Essay on the Nature and Variation of Destructive Lung Disease Included Under the Head of 'Pulmonary Consumption', as Seen Among Soldiers, and the Hygienic Conditions Under Which They Occur. Author's inscription.
An Essay on the Nature and Variation of Destructive Lung Disease Included Under the Head of 'Pulmonary Consumption', as Seen Among Soldiers, and the Hygienic Conditions Under Which They Occur. Author's inscription.
Alcock, Surgeon Nathaniel
Catalogue No. e4751
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Practical Observations on Some of the Diseases of the Stomach and Alimentary Canal.
Practical Observations on Some of the Diseases of the Stomach and Alimentary Canal.
Alderson, James
Catalogue No. e4779
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A Practical Treatise Upon Eczema, Including Its Lichenous and Impetiginous Forms
A Practical Treatise Upon Eczema, Including Its Lichenous and Impetiginous Forms
Anderson, Dr M'Call
Catalogue No. e5113
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The Malformations, Diseases and Injuries of the Fingers and Toes and Their Surgical Treatment. The Jacksonian Prize Essay for the Year 1864.
The Malformations, Diseases and Injuries of the Fingers and Toes and Their Surgical Treatment. The Jacksonian Prize Essay for the Year 1864.
Annandale, Thomas
Catalogue No. e4985
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A Synopsis of the History and Cure of Venereal Diseases
A Synopsis of the History and Cure of Venereal Diseases
Armstrong, J
Catalogue No. e4736
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Practical Illustrations of the Scarlet Fever, Measles and Pulmonary Consumption; with Observations on the Efficacy of Sulphureous Waters in Chronic Complaints.
Practical Illustrations of the Scarlet Fever, Measles and Pulmonary Consumption; with Observations on the Efficacy of Sulphureous Waters in Chronic Complaints.
Armstrong, John
Catalogue No. e2113
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Cancer; Its Varieties, Their Histology and Diagnosis
Cancer; Its Varieties, Their Histology and Diagnosis
Arnott, Henry
Catalogue No. e4977
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The Diseases of Children Medical and Surgical
The Diseases of Children Medical and Surgical
Ashby, Henry; Wright, G A
Catalogue No. j7465
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A Treatise on the Diseases, Injuries, and Malformations of the Rectum and the Anus
A Treatise on the Diseases, Injuries, and Malformations of the Rectum and the Anus
Ashton, T J
Catalogue No. h1883
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A Treatise on the Diseases, Injuries, and Malformations of the Rectum and the Anus, with Remarks on Habitual Constipation.
A Treatise on the Diseases, Injuries, and Malformations of the Rectum and the Anus, with Remarks on Habitual Constipation.
Ashton, T J
Catalogue No. h1884
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On the Diseases, Injuries, and Malformations of the Rectum and the Anus, with Remarks on Habitual Constipation.
On the Diseases, Injuries, and Malformations of the Rectum and the Anus, with Remarks on Habitual Constipation.
Ashton, T J
Catalogue No. h1884a
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A Treatise on the Fistula of the Anus;... To Which are Added: Several Valuable Pieces Upon the Same Subject: Collected form the Writings of Fabricius ab Aquapendento, Peter de Marchettis; And Others the Most Celebrated Surgeons and Operators of their Time
A Treatise on the Fistula of the Anus;... To Which are Added: Several Valuable Pieces Upon the Same Subject: Collected form the Writings of Fabricius ab Aquapendento, Peter de Marchettis; And Others the Most Celebrated Surgeons and Operators of their Time...
Astruc, John; Barrowby, W [tr.]
Catalogue No. e4890
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A Treatise of the Venereal Diseases, in Nine Books; Containing An Account of the Original, Propagation, and Contagion of this Distemper. As Also of the Nature, Cause, and Cure of All Venereal Disorders, Whether Local or Universal.
A Treatise of the Venereal Diseases, in Nine Books; Containing An Account of the Original, Propagation, and Contagion of this Distemper. As Also of the Nature, Cause, and Cure of All Venereal Disorders, Whether Local or Universal.
Astruc, John; Barrowby, William [tr.]
Catalogue No. e4931a
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Practical Observations on those Disorders of the Liver and Other Organs of Digestion which Produce Several Forms and Varieties of the Bilious Complaint
Practical Observations on those Disorders of the Liver and Other Organs of Digestion which Produce Several Forms and Varieties of the Bilious Complaint
Ayre, Joseph
Catalogue No. j7154
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Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Tetano. Author's inscription
Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Tetano. Author's inscription
Baird, George; Wayte, Joannes
Catalogue No. g6486
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A Treatise on Putrid Intestinal Remitting Fevers... [with] A Treatise on the Action of Sol-Lunar Influence... 2 parts in one.
A Treatise on Putrid Intestinal Remitting Fevers... [with] A Treatise on the Action of Sol-Lunar Influence... 2 parts in one.
Balfour, Francis
Catalogue No. e4695
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Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the heart and Aorta
Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the heart and Aorta
Balfour, George William
Catalogue No. e4821a
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The Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Abdomen
The Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Abdomen
Ballard, Edward
Catalogue No. e2182
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