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Displaying 101 to 120 (of 306 books)
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Guide for Using Medical Batteries: [Being A Compendium From His Larger Work on Medical Electricity and Nervous Diseases.] Showing the Most Approved Apparatus, Methods and Rules for the Medical Employment of Electricity in the Treatment of Nervous Diseases
Guide for Using Medical Batteries: [Being A Compendium From His Larger Work on Medical Electricity and Nervous Diseases.] Showing the Most Approved Apparatus, Methods and Rules for the Medical Employment of Electricity in the Treatment of Nervous Diseases...
Garratt, Alfred C
Catalogue No. e5795
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On Haemorrhoidal Disorder
On Haemorrhoidal Disorder
Gay, John
Catalogue No. h2179
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On Diseases of the Throat, Epiglottis, and Windpipe; Including Diphtheria, Nervous Sore-Throat, Displacements of the Cartilages, Weakness of the Voice and Chest: Their Symptoms, Progress, and Treatment.
On Diseases of the Throat, Epiglottis, and Windpipe; Including Diphtheria, Nervous Sore-Throat, Displacements of the Cartilages, Weakness of the Voice and Chest: Their Symptoms, Progress, and Treatment.
Gibb, George D
Catalogue No. e5224
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Manuel des Maladies Vénériennes
Manuel des Maladies Vénériennes
Gibert, C M
Catalogue No. e6591
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Indigestion. What it is; What it Leads to; and a New Method of Treatment.
Indigestion. What it is; What it Leads to; and a New Method of Treatment.
Gill, John Beadnell
Catalogue No. h2199
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A Practical Essay on the Diseases of the Vessels and Glands of the Absorbent System: Being the Substance of Observations which Obtained the Prize for 1812, Offered by the Royal College of Surgeons in London: To Which are Added Surgical Cases...
A Practical Essay on the Diseases of the Vessels and Glands of the Absorbent System: Being the Substance of Observations which Obtained the Prize for 1812, Offered by the Royal College of Surgeons in London: To Which are Added Surgical Cases...
Goodlad, William
Catalogue No. e4856
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Diseases of the Larynx
Diseases of the Larynx
Gottstein, Dr J; M'Bride, P [tr.]
Catalogue No. e4826
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Diseases of the Urinary Organs: Including Stricture of the Urethra, Affections of the Prostate, and Stone in the Bladder.
Diseases of the Urinary Organs: Including Stricture of the Urethra, Affections of the Prostate, and Stone in the Bladder.
Gouley, John W S
Catalogue No. e2277
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On Addison's Disease Being the Croonian Lectures for 1875 Delivered Before the Royal College of Physicians.
On Addison's Disease Being the Croonian Lectures for 1875 Delivered Before the Royal College of Physicians.
Greenhow, Edward Headlam
Catalogue No. e4860
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On Chronic Bronchitis Especially as Connected with Gout, Emphysema, and Diseases of the Heart. Being Clinical Lectures Delivered at the Middlesex Hospital.
On Chronic Bronchitis Especially as Connected with Gout, Emphysema, and Diseases of the Heart. Being Clinical Lectures Delivered at the Middlesex Hospital.
Greenhow, Edward Headlam
Catalogue No. e2098
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On Diphtheria
On Diphtheria
Greenhow, Edward Headlam
Catalogue No. e2097
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The Water Cure in Chronic Disease: An Exposition of the Causes, progress, and Termination of Various Chronic Diseases of the Digestive Organs, Lungs, Nerves, Limbs, and Skin; and of Their Treatment by Water and Other Hygienic Means.
The Water Cure in Chronic Disease: An Exposition of the Causes, progress, and Termination of Various Chronic Diseases of the Digestive Organs, Lungs, Nerves, Limbs, and Skin; and of Their Treatment by Water and Other Hygienic Means.
Gully, James Manby
Catalogue No. e2759
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On the Anatomy and Diseases of the Neck of the Bladder and of the Urethra: Being the Substance of the Lectures Delivered in the Theatre of the Royal College of Surgeons in the Year 1830; and in the Westminster Hospital in 1833 & 1834.
On the Anatomy and Diseases of the Neck of the Bladder and of the Urethra: Being the Substance of the Lectures Delivered in the Theatre of the Royal College of Surgeons in the Year 1830; and in the Westminster Hospital in 1833 & 1834.
Guthrie, G J
Catalogue No. e2278
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Pathological and Practical Observations on Diseases of the Abdomen.
Pathological and Practical Observations on Diseases of the Abdomen.
Habershon, S O
Catalogue No. d0930
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An Descriptive, Diagnostic and Practical Essay on Disorders of the Digestive Organs and General Health and Particularly Their General Forms and Complications Contrasted with Some Acute and Insidious Diseases
An Descriptive, Diagnostic and Practical Essay on Disorders of the Digestive Organs and General Health and Particularly Their General Forms and Complications Contrasted with Some Acute and Insidious Diseases
Hall, Marshall
Catalogue No. j7140
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Caelli Aureliani Siccensis Afri Acutorum Morborum Libri III. Chronicorum Libri V. Edidit, Recensuit Praefatus est Albertus v Haller. Tomus Primus & Tomus Secundus.
Caelli Aureliani Siccensis Afri Acutorum Morborum Libri III. Chronicorum Libri V. Edidit, Recensuit Praefatus est Albertus v Haller. Tomus Primus & Tomus Secundus.
Haller, Alberti [Albertus] [Alberto]; Vicat, P R [ed.]
Catalogue No. h2208
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Observations on the Utility and Administration of Purgative Medicines in Several Diseases
Observations on the Utility and Administration of Purgative Medicines in Several Diseases
Hamilton, James
Catalogue No. e8892
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Observations on Scrophulous Affections with Remarks on Schirrus, Cancer, and Rachitis.
Observations on Scrophulous Affections with Remarks on Schirrus, Cancer, and Rachitis.
Hamilton, Robert
Catalogue No. h2552
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Remarks on Hydrophobia; or the Disease Produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog, or Other Rabid Animal. 2 volume set.
Remarks on Hydrophobia; or the Disease Produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog, or Other Rabid Animal. 2 volume set.
Hamilton, Robert
Catalogue No. d2789
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Mechanical Essays on the Animal Oecomony: Wherein, Not Only the Conduct of Nature, in Animal Secretion, but Sensation, and Human Generation, are Distinctly Considered and Anatomically Explained:
Mechanical Essays on the Animal Oecomony: Wherein, Not Only the Conduct of Nature, in Animal Secretion, but Sensation, and Human Generation, are Distinctly Considered and Anatomically Explained:
Handley, James
Catalogue No. h2555
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