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The Art of Florence. Two volume set.
The Art of Florence. Two volume set.
Andres, Glenn M; Hunisak, John M; Turner, A Richard; Okamura, Takashi [phot.]
Catalogue No. h2218a
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Lamia's Winter-Quarters
Lamia's Winter-Quarters
Austin, Alfred
Catalogue No. c0043
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Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Douzième Édition. 1900.
Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Douzième Édition. 1900.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae25fm
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Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Huitième Édition. 1887.
Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Huitième Édition. 1887.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae25fma
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Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Quatorzième Édition. 1909.
Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Quatorzième Édition. 1909.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae25fmb
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Italie Méridionale [Southern Italy]. Manuel du Voyageur. 10th edition. 1893.
Italie Méridionale [Southern Italy]. Manuel du Voyageur. 10th edition. 1893.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae27fj
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Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 11th edition. 1886.
Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 11th edition. 1886.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae26fk
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Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 12th edition. 1889.
Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 12th edition. 1889.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae26fla
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Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 12th edition. 1889.
Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 12th edition. 1889.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae26fL
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Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 15th edition. 1899.
Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 15th edition. 1899.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae26foa
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Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 15th edition. 1899.
Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 15th edition. 1899.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae26fo
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Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 17th edition. 1908.
Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 17th edition. 1908.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae26fq
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Italien von den Alpen bis Neapel. 4th edition. 1899.
Italien von den Alpen bis Neapel. 4th edition. 1899.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae24gd
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Italien von den Alpen bis Neapel. 7th edition. 1926.
Italien von den Alpen bis Neapel. 7th edition. 1926.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae24gg
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Italien. Handbuch für Reisende. Unter-Italien [Lower Italy] und Sicilien. 6th edition. 1880.
Italien. Handbuch für Reisende. Unter-Italien [Lower Italy] und Sicilien. 6th edition. 1880.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae27gf
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L'Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. L'Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 5th edition. 1870.
L'Italie. Manuel du Voyageur. L'Italie Septentionale [Northern Italy]. 5th edition. 1870.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae26fe
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Unteritalien, Sizilien, Sardinien, Malta, Tunis, Corfu. Handbuch für Reisende. 14th edition. 1906.
Unteritalien, Sizilien, Sardinien, Malta, Tunis, Corfu. Handbuch für Reisende. 14th edition. 1906.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae27gn
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Southern Italy Inckuding Rome, Sicily, and Sardinia. The Blue Guides. 1930.
Southern Italy Inckuding Rome, Sicily, and Sardinia. The Blue Guides. 1930.
Bertarellui, L V
Catalogue No. tbg29
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Between Text and Territory. Survey and Excavations in the Terra of San Vincenzo al Volturno.
Between Text and Territory. Survey and Excavations in the Terra of San Vincenzo al Volturno.
Bowes, Kim; Frances, Karen; Hodges, Richard [eds.]
Catalogue No. g2898
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Avgvsta Pervsia
Avgvsta Pervsia
Cartoleria Casciarri
Catalogue No. a1228
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