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Belgium as she is
Belgium as she is
Addison, H R
Catalogue No. r6903
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Belgium. Methuen Little Guides. 1932.
Belgium. Methuen Little Guides. 1932.
Andrews, Claude E
Catalogue No. mlg03
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Peace Theories and the Balkan War
Peace Theories and the Balkan War
Angell, Norman
Catalogue No. r5869
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Things Seen in Switzerland in Summer
Things Seen in Switzerland in Summer
Ashby, Douglas
Catalogue No. see40
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Belgien und Holland nebst dem Grossherzogthum Luxembourg. Handbuch für Reisende. 18th edition. 1888.
Belgien und Holland nebst dem Grossherzogthum Luxembourg. Handbuch für Reisende. 18th edition. 1888.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae05gr
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Belgien und Holland. Handbuch für Reisende. 16th edition. 1884.
Belgien und Holland. Handbuch für Reisende. 16th edition. 1884.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae05gp
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Belgique et Hollande. Manuel du Voyageur. 12th edition. 1885.
Belgique et Hollande. Manuel du Voyageur. 12th edition. 1885.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae05fL
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Belgium and Holland, Including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Handbook for Travellers. 8th edition. 1885.
Belgium and Holland, Including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Handbook for Travellers. 8th edition. 1885.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae05aha
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Die Schweiz nebst Chamois, Lugarner, Langen und Comer See. Handbuch für Reisende. [Handbook for Travellers]. 36th edition. 1920.
Die Schweiz nebst Chamois, Lugarner, Langen und Comer See. Handbuch für Reisende. [Handbook for Travellers]. 36th edition. 1920.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39hj
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Die Schweiz nebst den Angrenzenden Teilen von Oberitalien, Savoyen und Tirol. Handbuch für Reisende. [Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy and Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers]. 35th edition. 1913.
Die Schweiz nebst den Angrenzenden Teilen von Oberitalien, Savoyen und Tirol. Handbuch für Reisende. [Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy and Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers]. 35th edition. 1913.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39hia
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La Suisse et les Parties Limitrophes de l'Italie, de la Savoie et du Tyrol. Manuel du Voyageur. [Handbook for Travellers]. 14th edition. 1883.
La Suisse et les Parties Limitrophes de l'Italie, de la Savoie et du Tyrol. Manuel du Voyageur. [Handbook for Travellers]. 14th edition. 1883.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39fn
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La Suisse et les Parties Limitrophes de l'Italie, de la Savoie et du Tyrol. Manuel du Voyageur. [Handbook for Travellers]. 16th edition. 1883.
La Suisse et les Parties Limitrophes de l'Italie, de la Savoie et du Tyrol. Manuel du Voyageur. [Handbook for Travellers]. 16th edition. 1883.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39fp
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La Suisse et les Parties Limitrophes de l'Italie, de la Savoie et du Tyrol. Manuel du Voyageur. [Handbook for Travellers]. 27th edition. 1911.
La Suisse et les Parties Limitrophes de l'Italie, de la Savoie et du Tyrol. Manuel du Voyageur. [Handbook for Travellers]. 27th edition. 1911.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39fw
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La Suisse et les Parties Limitrophes de l'Italie, de la Savoie et du Tyrol. Manuel du Voyageur. [Handbook for Travellers]. 28th edition. 1913.
La Suisse et les Parties Limitrophes de l'Italie, de la Savoie et du Tyrol. Manuel du Voyageur. [Handbook for Travellers]. 28th edition. 1913.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39fya
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La Suisse et les Parties Limitrophes de l'Italie, de la Savoie et du Tyrol. Manuel du Voyageur. [Handbook for Travellers]. 29th edition. 1921.
La Suisse et les Parties Limitrophes de l'Italie, de la Savoie et du Tyrol. Manuel du Voyageur. [Handbook for Travellers]. 29th edition. 1921.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39fz
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Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy and the Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers. 13th edition. 1889.
Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy and the Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers. 13th edition. 1889.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39ama
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Switzerland together with Chamonix and the Italian Lakes. Handbook for Travellers. 26th edition. 1922.
Switzerland together with Chamonix and the Italian Lakes. Handbook for Travellers. 26th edition. 1922.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39aza
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Österreich [Oesterreich] (Ohne Dalmatien, Ungarn und Bosnien). Handbuch für Reisende. 27th edition. 1907
Österreich [Oesterreich] (Ohne Dalmatien, Ungarn und Bosnien). Handbuch für Reisende. 27th edition. 1907
Baedeker, Karl [ed.]
Catalogue No. bae02gt
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Lucerne, The Lake of the Four Cantons, and the Gothard. A Guide for Visitors to the Alps.
Lucerne, The Lake of the Four Cantons, and the Gothard. A Guide for Visitors to the Alps.
Berlepsch, H A ; Worley, H E [tr.]
Catalogue No. r3407
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The Romanian Mass Media and Cultural Development
The Romanian Mass Media and Cultural Development
Berry, David
Catalogue No. k2451
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