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Displaying 21 to 40 (of 131 books)
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Cary's Traveller's Companion, or, A Delineation of the Turnpike Roads of England and Wales: Shewing the Immediate Route to Every Market and Borough Town Throughout the Kingdom, Laid Down From the Best Authorities, on a New Set of County Maps
Cary's Traveller's Companion, or, A Delineation of the Turnpike Roads of England and Wales: Shewing the Immediate Route to Every Market and Borough Town Throughout the Kingdom, Laid Down From the Best Authorities, on a New Set of County Maps
Cary, G & J
Catalogue No. e9735
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A New Map of Nottinghamshire Divided into Hundreds Exhibiting It's Roads, Rivers, Parks &c.
A New Map of Nottinghamshire Divided into Hundreds Exhibiting It's Roads, Rivers, Parks &c.
Cary, John
Catalogue No. 1662g
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The Lakes to Tyneside. About Britain No. 10.
The Lakes to Tyneside. About Britain No. 10.
Chaplin, Sid; Grigson, Geoffrey [ed.]
Catalogue No. fob10
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Topography of Armageddon. A British Trench Map Atlas of the Western Front 1914 - 1918
Topography of Armageddon. A British Trench Map Atlas of the Western Front 1914 - 1918
Chasseaud, Peter; Sillitoe, Alan
Catalogue No. k2721
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Sailing Directions. Bridlington to Fife Ness, Including Firth of Forth
Sailing Directions. Bridlington to Fife Ness, Including Firth of Forth
Clephan, Guy [comp.]; Royal Northumberland Yacht Club
Catalogue No. j3970aa
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Sailing Directions. Bridlington to Fife Ness, Including Firth of Forth.
Sailing Directions. Bridlington to Fife Ness, Including Firth of Forth.
Clephan, Guy [comp.]; Royal Northumberland Yacht Club
Catalogue No. j3970
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Text Book of Topographical and Geographical Surveying
Text Book of Topographical and Geographical Surveying
Close, C F; Cox, E W
Catalogue No. g9354
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Les Environs de Londres ou se Trouve Toutte les Villes, Villages, Maisons, Chemins, Rivieres, à Vingt Milles autour de Londres. 1725.
Les Environs de Londres ou se Trouve Toutte les Villes, Villages, Maisons, Chemins, Rivieres, à Vingt Milles autour de Londres. 1725.
Covens & Mortier
Catalogue No. e0067
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Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua & Nova [or, a new, exact, & comprehensive survey of the ancient & present state of Great Britain. Collected & compiled from the antiquities & histories of each county]; Cox's 'Magna Britannia'. Northumberland.
Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua & Nova [or, a new, exact, & comprehensive survey of the ancient & present state of Great Britain. Collected & compiled from the antiquities & histories of each county]; Cox's 'Magna Britannia'. Northumberland.
Cox, Thomas
Catalogue No. L1493a
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Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua & Nova [or, a new, exact, & comprehensive survey of the ancient & present state of Great Britain. Collected & compiled from the antiquities & histories of each county]; Cox's 'Magna Britannia'. Northumberland.
Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua & Nova [or, a new, exact, & comprehensive survey of the ancient & present state of Great Britain. Collected & compiled from the antiquities & histories of each county]; Cox's 'Magna Britannia'. Northumberland.
Cox, Thomas
Catalogue No. L1493ba
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Italy with the Islands of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica
Italy with the Islands of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica
D'Anville [Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon]; Seale, R W
Catalogue No. map66
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The Santa Fe Route. Guidebook of the Western United States Part C.
The Santa Fe Route. Guidebook of the Western United States Part C.
Darton, N H
Catalogue No. t1330
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L'Angleterre ou Description Historique et Topographique de Royaume Uni de La Grande-Bretagne. [A History of England and Topographical Description of the United Kingdom of Great Britain] Six volumes in three
L'Angleterre ou Description Historique et Topographique de Royaume Uni de La Grande-Bretagne. [A History of England and Topographical Description of the United Kingdom of Great Britain] Six volumes in three
Depping, G B
Catalogue No. r4546
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Mapa Geologico de España. E. 1:50.000. Calañas.
Mapa Geologico de España. E. 1:50.000. Calañas.
Catalogue No. e1425
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Sintesuis Geologica de La Faja Piritica Del So de España
Sintesuis Geologica de La Faja Piritica Del So de España
Catalogue No. e1419
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The Roads of Great Britain
The Roads of Great Britain
Faden, William
Catalogue No. c0645
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A Survey of Whitby 1958. The Additional Maps and Chart.
A Survey of Whitby 1958. The Additional Maps and Chart.
Fryer, D H; Fripp, E J; Conzen, R G
Catalogue No. k3733
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Atlas of England and Wales
Atlas of England and Wales
Catalogue No. e9749d
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Glasgow District. The "Half Inch" Map of Scotland.
Glasgow District. The "Half Inch" Map of Scotland.
Gall & Inglis
Catalogue No. map10c
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Hodgson's Handy Map of Brampton and District
Hodgson's Handy Map of Brampton and District
Gall & Inglis
Catalogue No. map10b
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