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Introductio in Universam Geographiam. Iam Veterem Quam Novam. Tabulis Geographicis XLVI ac Notis Olim Ornata, Etc.
Introductio in Universam Geographiam. Iam Veterem Quam Novam. Tabulis Geographicis XLVI ac Notis Olim Ornata, Etc.
Cluverii, Philippi [Cluver, Philipp]
Catalogue No. c1953
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Bibliotheca Anatomica, Medica, Chirurgica, &c. Containing a Description of the Several Parts of the Body Each Done by Some One of More Eminent Physician or Chirurgeon; with their Disease and Cures. 3 volume set.
Bibliotheca Anatomica, Medica, Chirurgica, &c. Containing a Description of the Several Parts of the Body Each Done by Some One of More Eminent Physician or Chirurgeon; with their Disease and Cures. 3 volume set.
Catalogue No. e6675
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Bibliotheca Anatomica, Medica, Chirurgica, &c. Containing a Description of the Several Parts of the Body Each Done by Some One of More Eminent Physician or Chirurgeon; with their Disease and Cures. Volume 2 [of 3].
Bibliotheca Anatomica, Medica, Chirurgica, &c. Containing a Description of the Several Parts of the Body Each Done by Some One of More Eminent Physician or Chirurgeon; with their Disease and Cures. Volume 2 [of 3].
Catalogue No. e6675a
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Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures
Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures
Cotes, Roger; Smith, Robert
Catalogue No. j7236
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Les Environs de Londres ou se Trouve Toutte les Villes, Villages, Maisons, Chemins, Rivieres, à Vingt Milles autour de Londres. 1725.
Les Environs de Londres ou se Trouve Toutte les Villes, Villages, Maisons, Chemins, Rivieres, à Vingt Milles autour de Londres. 1725.
Covens & Mortier
Catalogue No. e0067
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The Scrivener's Guide. Being Choice and Approved Forms of Precedents of All Sorts Business ... 2 volume set.
The Scrivener's Guide. Being Choice and Approved Forms of Precedents of All Sorts Business ... 2 volume set.
Covert, Nicholas
Catalogue No. g4385
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The Gentleman's Recreation: In Four Parts. Viz. Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing. Wherein these Generous Exercises are Largely Treated of, and the Terms of Art for Hunting and Hawking are More Amply Enlarged than Heretofore....
The Gentleman's Recreation: In Four Parts. Viz. Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing. Wherein these Generous Exercises are Largely Treated of, and the Terms of Art for Hunting and Hawking are More Amply Enlarged than Heretofore....
Cox, Nicholas
Catalogue No. e4307
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Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua & Nova [or, a new, exact, & comprehensive survey of the ancient & present state of Great Britain. Collected & compiled from the antiquities & histories of each county]; Cox's 'Magna Britannia'. Northumberland.
Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua & Nova [or, a new, exact, & comprehensive survey of the ancient & present state of Great Britain. Collected & compiled from the antiquities & histories of each county]; Cox's 'Magna Britannia'. Northumberland.
Cox, Thomas
Catalogue No. L1493a
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Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua & Nova [or, a new, exact, & comprehensive survey of the ancient & present state of Great Britain. Collected & compiled from the antiquities & histories of each county]; Cox's 'Magna Britannia'. Northumberland.
Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua & Nova [or, a new, exact, & comprehensive survey of the ancient & present state of Great Britain. Collected & compiled from the antiquities & histories of each county]; Cox's 'Magna Britannia'. Northumberland.
Cox, Thomas
Catalogue No. L1493ba
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An Historical Tour in Monmouthshire. 2 volume set.
An Historical Tour in Monmouthshire. 2 volume set.
Coxe, William
Catalogue No. e1296c
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The Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Crown of State in Scotland. Volume 1 [All published]
The Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Crown of State in Scotland. Volume 1 [All published]
Crawfurd, George
Catalogue No. L1514
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The Peerage of Scotland: Containing an Historical and Genealogical Account of the Nobility of that Kingdom. 1716.
The Peerage of Scotland: Containing an Historical and Genealogical Account of the Nobility of that Kingdom. 1716.
Crawfurd, George
Catalogue No. r5519
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Histoire des Empereurs Romains, Depuis Auguste Jusqu'a Constantin. Tome VI.
Histoire des Empereurs Romains, Depuis Auguste Jusqu'a Constantin. Tome VI.
Crevier, Jean-Baptiste Louis
Catalogue No. 5324f
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Ouvrages de Mathématique  [Memoires de L'Academie Roiale des Sciences. Tome Troisiéme]
Ouvrages de Mathématique [Memoires de L'Academie Roiale des Sciences. Tome Troisiéme]
de Roberval, M
Catalogue No. e8214
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Histoire de Dannemarc, Avant et Depuis L'etablissement de la Monarchie. Six Volume Set.
Histoire de Dannemarc, Avant et Depuis L'etablissement de la Monarchie. Six Volume Set.
de Roches, J B
Catalogue No. d0919
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The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards
The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards
de Solis, Antonio
Catalogue No. d3607
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Historia Medica de Dysenteria Bilioso-Contagiosa, Qua MDCCXXXVI.  Neomagi et in Vicinis Ei Pagis Epidemice Grassata Fuit. In Qua Simul Corticis Simarubae & Radicis Salab Effectus Exploratur....
Historia Medica de Dysenteria Bilioso-Contagiosa, Qua MDCCXXXVI. Neomagi et in Vicinis Ei Pagis Epidemice Grassata Fuit. In Qua Simul Corticis Simarubae & Radicis Salab Effectus Exploratur....
Degner, Johan H [Jo Hartm Degneri]
Catalogue No. e5321
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Observationes Chirurgicae de Calculo Renum, Vesicae, Urethrae, Lithotomiâ & Vesicae Punctura; In Quibus Lithotomiae Methodum, Quam Celeberrimus Joannes Jacobus Rau.. 2 works in one.
Observationes Chirurgicae de Calculo Renum, Vesicae, Urethrae, Lithotomiâ & Vesicae Punctura; In Quibus Lithotomiae Methodum, Quam Celeberrimus Joannes Jacobus Rau.. 2 works in one.
Denys, Jacobus; Fantono, Johanne
Catalogue No. e5329
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Operationum Chirurgicarum Novum Lumen Exhibentium Obstetricantibus, Pars Prima: Qua Fideliter Manifestatur Ars Obstetricandi et Quid ad Eam Requiritur. Pars Secunda: Et Quae Exhibet Ulterius Examen Partuum Difficilium...
Operationum Chirurgicarum Novum Lumen Exhibentium Obstetricantibus, Pars Prima: Qua Fideliter Manifestatur Ars Obstetricandi et Quid ad Eam Requiritur. Pars Secunda: Et Quae Exhibet Ulterius Examen Partuum Difficilium...
Deventer, Hendrik
Catalogue No. e5804
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Description Abregée des Os [bound with] Histoire Exacte des Os, ou Description Complette de L'Osteologie. 2 volumes in one.
Description Abregée des Os [bound with] Histoire Exacte des Os, ou Description Complette de L'Osteologie. 2 volumes in one.
Disdier, François -Michel
Catalogue No. e6036
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