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Della Guerra di Fiandra. 3 parts in one volume
Della Guerra di Fiandra. 3 parts in one volume
Bentivoglio, Cardinal Guido
Catalogue No. r5472
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La Vie Civile de Fabrice Campani. Divisee en Dix Livres. ...
La Vie Civile de Fabrice Campani. Divisee en Dix Livres. ...
Campani, Fabrice
Catalogue No. 4084
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Eikon Basilike: Le Portrait Du Roy De La Grand Bretagne. Facit de la propre amin durant la solitude & les souffrances. Rom. 8. Pu.s que vainqueur, &c. Bona agere, & mala pati, Regium est.
Eikon Basilike: Le Portrait Du Roy De La Grand Bretagne. Facit de la propre amin durant la solitude & les souffrances. Rom. 8. Pu.s que vainqueur, &c. Bona agere, & mala pati, Regium est.
Charles I
Catalogue No. g5920
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Eighty (80) (LXXX) Sermons Preached by that Learned and Reverend Divine, John Donne Doctor in Divinity, Late Deane of the Cathedrall Church of St. Pauls, London. Dedication to Charles I; The Life and Death of Dr Donne. Sermons by Isaak Walton;
Eighty (80) (LXXX) Sermons Preached by that Learned and Reverend Divine, John Donne Doctor in Divinity, Late Deane of the Cathedrall Church of St. Pauls, London. Dedication to Charles I; The Life and Death of Dr Donne. Sermons by Isaak Walton;
Donne, John; Walton, Isaak (Izaak) [biographer]
Catalogue No. L1207
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Euclidis Megarensis Mathematici Clarissimi Elementorum Geometricorum. Libri XV. Cum Expositione Theonis in Priores XIII à Bartholomaeo Veneto Latinitate Donata, Campani in Omnes, et Hypsiclis Alexandrini in Duos Postremos...
Euclidis Megarensis Mathematici Clarissimi Elementorum Geometricorum. Libri XV. Cum Expositione Theonis in Priores XIII à Bartholomaeo Veneto Latinitate Donata, Campani in Omnes, et Hypsiclis Alexandrini in Duos Postremos...
Catalogue No. e8218
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The Scots Men-at-Arms and Life-Guards in France From their Formulation until their Final Dissolution. 2 volume set. Limited edition.
The Scots Men-at-Arms and Life-Guards in France From their Formulation until their Final Dissolution. 2 volume set. Limited edition.
Forbes-Leith S.J, William; de Grandmaison, Major H [illus.]
Catalogue No. r5084
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Corpus Iuris Canonici. Emendatum et notis illustratum: Gregorii XIII, Pont. Max, iusslu editim...
Corpus Iuris Canonici. Emendatum et notis illustratum: Gregorii XIII, Pont. Max, iusslu editim...
Gregory XIII; Lanceloti, Paolo [ed.]
Catalogue No. c1395
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The History of the Houses of Douglas and Angus. 2 parts in one volume.
The History of the Houses of Douglas and Angus. 2 parts in one volume.
Hume of Godscroft, David
Catalogue No. r0578
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A New Orchard and Garden: Or the Best Way for Planting, Grafting, and to Make any Ground Good, for a Rich Orchard ... With the Country Housewifes Garden for Herbes of Common Use ... As also the Husbandry of Bees, with their Several Uses and Annoyances ...
A New Orchard and Garden: Or the Best Way for Planting, Grafting, and to Make any Ground Good, for a Rich Orchard ... With the Country Housewifes Garden for Herbes of Common Use ... As also the Husbandry of Bees, with their Several Uses and Annoyances ......
Lawson, William; Harward, Simon
Catalogue No. j8078
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Supplementu Lucani [Supplementum Lucani Libri I-VII]
Supplementu Lucani [Supplementum Lucani Libri I-VII]
May, Thomas [Maio, Thoma]
Catalogue No. c0037
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The Historie of the Councel of Trent [History of the Council of Trent] In Eight Bookes. In Which (Besides the Ordinary Acts of the Councell) are declared many notable Occurences which happened in Christendom during the space of fourtie yeeres & more.
The Historie of the Councel of Trent [History of the Council of Trent] In Eight Bookes. In Which (Besides the Ordinary Acts of the Councell) are declared many notable Occurences which happened in Christendom during the space of fourtie yeeres & more.
Polano, Pietro Soaue; Brent, Nathanael Brent [trans]
Catalogue No. L1546
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Canterburies Doome. Or The First Part of a Compleat History of the Commitment, Charge, Tryall, Condemnation, Execution of William Laud Late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.
Canterburies Doome. Or The First Part of a Compleat History of the Commitment, Charge, Tryall, Condemnation, Execution of William Laud Late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.
Prynne, William
Catalogue No. e6378
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La Dianée a Monsieur le Mareschal de Schomberg. Seconde Partie. Part 2 only. Books 3 & 4 bound as one volume.
La Dianée a Monsieur le Mareschal de Schomberg. Seconde Partie. Part 2 only. Books 3 & 4 bound as one volume.
Catalogue No. L0880
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Benedicti Victorii Faventini, Medici Olim ac Philosophi Praestantissimi De Curandis Morbis Ad Tyrones Practica Magna: In Duos Tomos Diuisa...
Benedicti Victorii Faventini, Medici Olim ac Philosophi Praestantissimi De Curandis Morbis Ad Tyrones Practica Magna: In Duos Tomos Diuisa...
Victorius, Benedictus; Uffenbach, Peter
Catalogue No. e5953
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De Secretis Libri XVII. Ex Varijs Authoribus Collecti, Methodiceq, Digesti, & Aucti. [The Book of Secrets, Collected from Various Authors. Volume XVII]
De Secretis Libri XVII. Ex Varijs Authoribus Collecti, Methodiceq, Digesti, & Aucti. [The Book of Secrets, Collected from Various Authors. Volume XVII]
Wecker, Johann Jacob [Wreckerus, Johann Jacob]
Catalogue No. e5963
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Ancient Funerall Monuments within the United Monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the Islands Adjacent, with the Dissolved Monasteries therein Contained; their Founders, and what Eminent Persons have beene in the Same Interred. ...
Ancient Funerall Monuments within the United Monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the Islands Adjacent, with the Dissolved Monasteries therein Contained; their Founders, and what Eminent Persons have beene in the Same Interred. ...
Weever, John
Catalogue No. d1528
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Novum Instrumentum Geometricum quo Rerum Mensurabilium Longitudo, Altitudo & Profunditas, Hactenus Inaudito Compendio, etiam Arithmeticae Imperitis, Quam Certissime Mensurantur.
Novum Instrumentum Geometricum quo Rerum Mensurabilium Longitudo, Altitudo & Profunditas, Hactenus Inaudito Compendio, etiam Arithmeticae Imperitis, Quam Certissime Mensurantur.
Zublero, Leonharto [Zubler, Leonhard]
Catalogue No. e1092
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