Displaying 81 to 100 (of 738 books) |
Title |
Price |
Theatrum Machinarum Novum Exhibens Aquarias, Alatas, Iumenrarias, Manurias, Pedibus ac Ponderibus Versatiles, Plures, et Diversas Molas ... Böekler, George Andreas [Georg'i Andreæ Böckleri] [Boekler] Catalogue No. d3372 |
£1,800.00 ($2,255.62) |
Mr Paul. Signed Limited Edition. Bone Gertrude; Bone, Stephen [illus.] Catalogue No. k3059 |
£34.00 ($42.61) |
Glamour. Artlines Poster Collection. Bonnotte, Léon; Gosé, Xavier; &c. Catalogue No. a0057 |
£46.00 ($57.64) |
The Gate of Smaragdus Bottomley, Gordon; Balmer, Clinton [illus.] Catalogue No. j3721 |
£130.00 ($162.91) |
Bourne's Great Western Railway. Facsimile edition. Bourne, John C Catalogue No. 2735ba |
£120.00 ($150.37) |
Bourne's Great Western Railway. Limited facsimile edition. Bourne, John C Catalogue No. 2735b |
£140.00 ($175.44) |
The History and Description of the Great Western Railway Bourne, John C Catalogue No. 2735 |
£4,800.00 ($6,014.98) |
Drawings of the London and Birmingham Railway. An Historical and Descriptive Account. Bourne, John C; Britton, John Catalogue No. 2735c |
£2,400.00 ($3,007.49) |
Guide to the Science of Photo-Micrography Bousfield, Edward C Catalogue No. d3376 |
£48.00 ($60.15) |
Atlas of Clinical Medicine. Three volume set. Bramwell, Byrom Catalogue No. k2077 |
£380.00 ($476.19) |
Nurse Matilda Goes to Town Brand, Christianna; Ardizzone, Edward, [illus.] Catalogue No. g2728b |
£42.00 ($52.63) |
Scraps of Nature Brandard, Robert Catalogue No. k3262 |
£98.00 ($122.81) |
China: Its Costume, Arts, Manufactures, &c. 4 volumes in 2. Breton, M Catalogue No. e8922 |
£1,350.00 ($1,691.71) |
The Architectural Association Sketch Book. 1912. Brewer, C C; Fyfe, Theodore; Green, W Curtis; Hall, H A [eds.] Catalogue No. aas403 |
£86.00 ($107.77) |
The Architectural Association Sketch Book. 1911 Brewer, C C; Fyfe,Theodore; Green, W Curtis; Hall, H A [eds.] Catalogue No. aas402 |
£86.00 ($107.77) |
Furniture with Candelabra and Interior Decoration Designed by R. Bridgens Bridgens, R; Shaw, Henry [illus.] Catalogue No. c1980 |
£3,800.00 ($4,761.86) |
British Museum: Reproductions from Illuminated Manuscripts. Series 1. British Museum Catalogue No. bmu074a |
£18.60 ($23.31) |
British Museum: Reproductions from Illuminated Manuscripts. Series 2. British Museum Catalogue No. bmu074b |
£18.60 ($23.31) |
British Museum: Reproductions from Illuminated Manuscripts. Series 2. British Museum Catalogue No. bmu074ba |
£18.60 ($23.31) |
British Museum: Reproductions from Illuminated Manuscripts. Series 3. British Museum Catalogue No. bmu074c |
£18.60 ($23.31) |
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