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Colne Engaine and St. Andrews Church
Colne Engaine and St. Andrews Church
A C [Chilton, Arthur]
Catalogue No. j8255
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Monumenta Britannica. A Miscellany of the British Isles [Parts One and Two].
Monumenta Britannica. A Miscellany of the British Isles [Parts One and Two].
Aubrey, John; Fowles, John [ed.]; Legg, Rodney [annotations]
Catalogue No. k4745
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Great Britain. Handbook for Travellers. 1890 facsimile edition.
Great Britain. Handbook for Travellers. 1890 facsimile edition.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae22f
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The Face of England
The Face of England
Bates, H E; Kersting, A F [photog.]
Catalogue No. bat034d
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Men of the Period. England. Records of a Great Country. Portraits and Pen Pictures of Leading Men.
Men of the Period. England. Records of a Great Country. Portraits and Pen Pictures of Leading Men.
Biographical Publishing Co.
Catalogue No. h2292a
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Berkshire. Methuen Little Guides. 1919.
Berkshire. Methuen Little Guides. 1919.
Brabant, F G
Catalogue No. mlg04
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A Political Survey of Britain Being A Series of Reflections on the Situation of the Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies and Commerce of this Island. 2 volume set.
A Political Survey of Britain Being A Series of Reflections on the Situation of the Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies and Commerce of this Island. 2 volume set.
Campbell, John
Catalogue No. k3170
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The Channel Islands. Painted by Henry B Wimbush. Described by Edith F Carey.
The Channel Islands. Painted by Henry B Wimbush. Described by Edith F Carey.
Carey, Edith F
Catalogue No. h2437aa
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Rural Rides. In the Counties of Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hants, Berks, Oxford, Bucks, Wilts, Somerset, Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, Worcester, Stafford, Leicester, Hertford, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon .... 2 volume set
Rural Rides. In the Counties of Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hants, Berks, Oxford, Bucks, Wilts, Somerset, Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, Worcester, Stafford, Leicester, Hertford, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon .... 2 volume set
Cobbett, William; Cobbett, Pitt
Catalogue No. rur885
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Poems from Manxland
Poems from Manxland
Cookson, Elizabeth
Catalogue No. k4518
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A Voyage Round the Coast of Great Britain
A Voyage Round the Coast of Great Britain
Daniell, William
Catalogue No. fol195d
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Evenings At Haddon Hall
Evenings At Haddon Hall
de Calabrella, Baroness [ed.]; Cattermole, George [illus.]
Catalogue No. j6801
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Curiosities of Great Britain. England and Wales Delineated. Division VIII: Spofforth - Zennor.
Curiosities of Great Britain. England and Wales Delineated. Division VIII: Spofforth - Zennor.
Dugdale, Thomas; Burnett, William
Catalogue No. 0107i
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Curiosities of Great Britain. England and Wales Delineated. Volume IX: Oystermouth - Surrey.
Curiosities of Great Britain. England and Wales Delineated. Volume IX: Oystermouth - Surrey.
Dugdale, Thomas; Burnett, William
Catalogue No. 0107j
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Curiosities of Great Britain. England and Wales Delineated. Volume VIII: London - Oxwich.
Curiosities of Great Britain. England and Wales Delineated. Volume VIII: London - Oxwich.
Dugdale, Thomas; Burnett, William
Catalogue No. 0107ia
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The Passing Seasons
The Passing Seasons
Edwards, Lionel [illus.]
Catalogue No. j8839
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The Broads. New Naturalist No. 46.
The Broads. New Naturalist No. 46.
Ellis, E A
Catalogue No. nn-046
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The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland. Seven Volume Set
The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland. Seven Volume Set
Elwes, Henry John; Henry, Augustine
Catalogue No. d1766a
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Angletterre, Écosse, Irlande. Voyage Pittoresque.
Angletterre, Écosse, Irlande. Voyage Pittoresque.
Énault, Louis; Gavarni [illus.]
Catalogue No. e3596
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Portfolio of English Cathedrals. No. 27. Manchester and Liverpool
Portfolio of English Cathedrals. No. 27. Manchester and Liverpool
Fairbairns, Arnold
Catalogue No. pec27
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