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Displaying 101 to 120 (of 211 books)
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The Clydesdale Stud Book. Volume 73. 1951.
The Clydesdale Stud Book. Volume 73. 1951.
Jarvis, Robert [ed.]
Catalogue No. csb73
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The Clydesdale Stud Book. Volume 75. 1955.
The Clydesdale Stud Book. Volume 75. 1955.
Jarvis, Robert [ed.]
Catalogue No. csb75
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Limousin Cattle in the United Kingdom. Published on the Centenary of the French Limousin Herd Book.
Limousin Cattle in the United Kingdom. Published on the Centenary of the French Limousin Herd Book.
Jobson, Dieter
Catalogue No. f0204
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Let's Meet Again
Let's Meet Again
Kearley, B L; Illingworth [illus.]
Catalogue No. 5174a
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Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles Kennel Stud Book for 1900
Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles Kennel Stud Book for 1900
Kemp, C W M and Humphreys, E H (ed)
Catalogue No. k0025
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The Clydesdale Stud Book. Volume 52. 1930.
The Clydesdale Stud Book. Volume 52. 1930.
Kilpatrick, James [ed.] Clydesdale Horse Society
Catalogue No. csb52
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The Clydesdale Stud Book. Volume 53. 1931.
The Clydesdale Stud Book. Volume 53. 1931.
Kilpatrick, James [ed.] Clydesdale Horse Society
Catalogue No. csb53
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Team Roping and Team Tying. The Western Horseman
Team Roping and Team Tying. The Western Horseman
King, Chuck
Catalogue No. k2001
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The Hunter Stud Book. Volume V. 1910-11.
The Hunter Stud Book. Volume V. 1910-11.
Kingscote, G C [ed.]
Catalogue No. hsb05
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The Complete Farrier and British Sportsman.
The Complete Farrier and British Sportsman.
Lawrence, Richard
Catalogue No. 1431b
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The Modern Farrier, or The Best Mode of Preserving the Health and Curing the Disorders of Domestic Animals with Practical Instruction to Sportsmen.
The Modern Farrier, or The Best Mode of Preserving the Health and Curing the Disorders of Domestic Animals with Practical Instruction to Sportsmen.
Lawson, A
Catalogue No. g4956
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The Modern Farrier, or The Best Mode of Preserving the Health and Curing the Disorders of Domestic Animals with Practical Instruction to Sportsmen.
The Modern Farrier, or The Best Mode of Preserving the Health and Curing the Disorders of Domestic Animals with Practical Instruction to Sportsmen.
Lawson, A
Catalogue No. g4956b
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The Mind of the Horse. An Introduction to Equine Cognition
The Mind of the Horse. An Introduction to Equine Cognition
Leblanc, Michel-Antoine; Weiss, Giselle [tr.]
Catalogue No. g9531
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Black-faced Heath Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Black-faced Heath Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Low, David
Catalogue No. k4712g
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Breed of the Zetland and Orkney Islands. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Breed of the Zetland and Orkney Islands. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Low, David
Catalogue No. k4712c
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Glloway Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Glloway Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Low, David
Catalogue No. k4712a
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Polled Angus Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Polled Angus Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Low, David
Catalogue No. k4712b
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The Ayrshire Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
The Ayrshire Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Low, David
Catalogue No. k4712
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The Black Faced Heath Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
The Black Faced Heath Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Low, David
Catalogue No. k4712i
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The Fifeshire Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
The Fifeshire Breed. [Folio plate from The Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands.]
Low, David
Catalogue No. k4712d
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