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Histoire Naturelle de Buffon, Classée par Ordre, Genres et Espèces, D'Aprés le Systême de Linné.  Avec Les Caractères Génériques et La Nomenclature Linnéenne. Tome XVI. Oiseaux. Tome VI.
Histoire Naturelle de Buffon, Classée par Ordre, Genres et Espèces, D'Aprés le Systême de Linné. Avec Les Caractères Génériques et La Nomenclature Linnéenne. Tome XVI. Oiseaux. Tome VI.
Buffon; Castel, René-Richard; Deseve, J E [illus.]
Catalogue No. e6715d
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Histoire Naturelle de Buffon, Classée par Ordre, Genres et Espèces, D'Aprés le Systême de Linné.  Avec Les Caractères Génériques et La Nomenclature Linnéenne. Tome XXV. Oiseaux. Tome XV.
Histoire Naturelle de Buffon, Classée par Ordre, Genres et Espèces, D'Aprés le Systême de Linné. Avec Les Caractères Génériques et La Nomenclature Linnéenne. Tome XXV. Oiseaux. Tome XV.
Buffon; Castel, René-Richard; Deseve, J E [illus.]
Catalogue No. e6715c
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Birds of Britain. Hippo Books No. 12. 1962.
Birds of Britain. Hippo Books No. 12. 1962.
Burton, Maurice
Catalogue No. hip12a
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Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 volume set.
Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 volume set.
Butler, Arthur G; Grönvold, H; Frohawk, F K [illus.]
Catalogue No. d0720c
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British Birds with their Nests and Eggs. 6 volume set.
British Birds with their Nests and Eggs. 6 volume set.
Butler, Arthur G; Mathew, Murray A; Forbes, Henry O and Others; Frowhawk, F W [illus.]
Catalogue No. d0720a
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Terns. New Naturalist No 123. Signed limited edition.
Terns. New Naturalist No 123. Signed limited edition.
Cabot, David; Nisbet, Ian
Catalogue No. nn-123
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Bird-Life of the Borders on Moorland and Sea with Faunal Notes Extending Over Forty Years. 1907.
Bird-Life of the Borders on Moorland and Sea with Faunal Notes Extending Over Forty Years. 1907.
Chapman, Abel
Catalogue No. abe01ab
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Bird-Life of the Borders on Moorland and Sea with Faunal Notes Extending Over Forty Years. 1907.
Bird-Life of the Borders on Moorland and Sea with Faunal Notes Extending Over Forty Years. 1907.
Chapman, Abel
Catalogue No. abe01aa
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Memories of Four Score Years Less Two 1851- 1929 With a Memoir by George Bolam.
Memories of Four Score Years Less Two 1851- 1929 With a Memoir by George Bolam.
Chapman, Abel
Catalogue No. abe04aa
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Geology, Birds, Butterflies; &c. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria. Volumes 56 1993-1996.
Geology, Birds, Butterflies; &c. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria. Volumes 56 1993-1996.
Clark, R B; Patterson, Margaret; [eds.]
Catalogue No. tnh256
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Geology, Birds, Butterflies; &c. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria. Volumes 57 1996-1997.
Geology, Birds, Butterflies; &c. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria. Volumes 57 1996-1997.
Clark, R B; Patterson, Margaret; [eds.]
Catalogue No. tnh257
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Montagu's Harrier
Montagu's Harrier
Clarke, Roger
Catalogue No. g9538
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Bird Study. Volume 10. 1963. 4 volume set.
Bird Study. Volume 10. 1963. 4 volume set.
Coulson, John C [ed.]
Catalogue No. bis10
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Bird Study. Volume 11. 1964. 4 volume set.
Bird Study. Volume 11. 1964. 4 volume set.
Coulson, John C [ed.]
Catalogue No. bis11
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Bird Study. Volume 9. 1962. 4 volume set.
Bird Study. Volume 9. 1962. 4 volume set.
Coulson, John C [ed.]
Catalogue No. bis09
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Buntings and New World Warblers. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Volume IX.
Buntings and New World Warblers. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Volume IX.
Cramp, Stanley [ed.]
Catalogue No. hbe09
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Flycatchers to Shrikes. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Volume VII.
Flycatchers to Shrikes. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Volume VII.
Cramp, Stanley [ed.]
Catalogue No. hbe07
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Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The Birds of the Western Palearctic. 9 volume set.
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The Birds of the Western Palearctic. 9 volume set.
Cramp, Stanley [ed.]
Catalogue No. hbe00aa
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Hawks to Bustards. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Volume II.
Hawks to Bustards. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Volume II.
Cramp, Stanley [ed.]
Catalogue No. hbe02a
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Ostrich to Ducks. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Volume I.
Ostrich to Ducks. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Volume I.
Cramp, Stanley [ed.]
Catalogue No. hbe01a
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