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The Ailments and Diseases of the Racing Pigeon (and How to Treat them).
The Ailments and Diseases of the Racing Pigeon (and How to Treat them).
"Old Hand"
Catalogue No. oha01
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The Birds of the London Area Since 1900. New Naturalist Monograph No. 14.
The Birds of the London Area Since 1900. New Naturalist Monograph No. 14.
Acland, C M; Ashby, C B; Fitter, R S R et al
Catalogue No. nmn14
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The Birds of Nevada
The Birds of Nevada
Alcorn, J R
Catalogue No. e6741
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Birds and Flowers of Balmoral. Golden Wedding edition
Birds and Flowers of Balmoral. Golden Wedding edition
Alder, James [illus.]
Catalogue No. d3728b
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Birds and Flowers of the Castle of Mey. Signed limited edition
Birds and Flowers of the Castle of Mey. Signed limited edition
Alder, James [illus.]
Catalogue No. d3728a
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Love Life of the Birds
Love Life of the Birds
Andrade, Carlos Selva; Amuchastegui, Axel [illus.]; Clark, herbert M [transl.]
Catalogue No. 3331
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The Wren. New Naturalist Monograph No 3.
The Wren. New Naturalist Monograph No 3.
Armstrong, Edward
Catalogue No. nmn03aa
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The Indian Runner Duck. A Historical Guide.
The Indian Runner Duck. A Historical Guide.
Ashton, Christine; Ashton, Michael
Catalogue No. c4334
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Wildfowl in Great Britain. A Survey of the Winter Distribution of the Anatidae and their Conservation in England, Scotland and Wales. Monographs of the Nature Conservancy Number Three.
Wildfowl in Great Britain. A Survey of the Winter Distribution of the Anatidae and their Conservation in England, Scotland and Wales. Monographs of the Nature Conservancy Number Three.
Atkinson-Willes, G L [ed], Scott, Peter [illus.]
Catalogue No. j2632a
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The Birds of the British Isles. 12 volume set.
The Birds of the British Isles. 12 volume set.
Bannerman, David Armitage; Lodge, George E [illus.]
Catalogue No. bn-00a
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The Birds of the British Isles. 12 volume set.
The Birds of the British Isles. 12 volume set.
Bannerman, David Armitage; Lodge, George F [illus.]
Catalogue No. bn-00aa
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The Birds of the British Isles. 12 volume set.
The Birds of the British Isles. 12 volume set.
Bannerman, David Armitage; Lodge, George F [illus.]
Catalogue No. bn-00b
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The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 1. Corvidae; Sturnidae; Oriolidae; Fringillidae.
The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 1. Corvidae; Sturnidae; Oriolidae; Fringillidae.
Bannerman, David Armitage; Lodge, George F [illus.]
Catalogue No. bn-01aa
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The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 10. Scolopacidae; Charadriidae; Recurvirostridae; Haematopodidae.
The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 10. Scolopacidae; Charadriidae; Recurvirostridae; Haematopodidae.
Bannerman, David Armitage; Lodge, George F [illus.]
Catalogue No. bn-10
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The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 2. Alaudidae; Motacillidae; Certhiidae; Sittidae; Paridae; Laniidae; Vireonidae; Bombycillidae; Muscicapidae; Regulidae.
The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 2. Alaudidae; Motacillidae; Certhiidae; Sittidae; Paridae; Laniidae; Vireonidae; Bombycillidae; Muscicapidae; Regulidae.
Bannerman, David Armitage; Lodge, George F [illus.]
Catalogue No. bn-02a
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The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 6. Ciconiidae; Ardeidaf; Phoenicopteridae; Anatidae.
The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 6. Ciconiidae; Ardeidaf; Phoenicopteridae; Anatidae.
Bannerman, David Armitage; Lodge, George F [illus.]
Catalogue No. bn-06
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The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 7. Anatidae.
The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 7. Anatidae.
Bannerman, David Armitage; Lodge, George F [illus.]
Catalogue No. bn-07
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The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 8. Phalacrocoracidae; Diomedeidae; Sulidae; Podicipedidae; Fregatidae; Gaviidae; Procellariidae; Columbidae; Pteroclididae.
The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 8. Phalacrocoracidae; Diomedeidae; Sulidae; Podicipedidae; Fregatidae; Gaviidae; Procellariidae; Columbidae; Pteroclididae.
Bannerman, David Armitage; Lodge, George F [illus.]
Catalogue No. bn-08
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The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 9. Scolopacidae.
The Birds of the British Isles. Volume 9. Scolopacidae.
Bannerman, David Armitage; Lodge, George F [illus.]
Catalogue No. bn-09
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The Avicultural Magazine. Volume 55. 1949.
The Avicultural Magazine. Volume 55. 1949.
Barclay-Smith, Phyllis [ed.]
Catalogue No. avi949
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