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Nouvelles Observations sur la Pratique des Accouchemens, Avec La Maniere de se Servir D'Une Nouvelle Machine, Tres-commode & Facile, pour Tirer Promptement & Surement, La Tê de L'Enfant, Separée de Son Corps, & Restée Seule dans La Matrice...
Nouvelles Observations sur la Pratique des Accouchemens, Avec La Maniere de se Servir D'Une Nouvelle Machine, Tres-commode & Facile, pour Tirer Promptement & Surement, La Tê de L'Enfant, Separée de Son Corps, & Restée Seule dans La Matrice...
Amand, Pierre
Catalogue No. e6090
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De Morbis Acutis & Chronicis Libri VIII. Soli Ex Omnium Methodicorum Scriptis Superstites. Jo Conradus Amman M.D. Recensuit, Emaculavit; Notulasque Adjecit. Accedunt Seorsim Theod. Janss. ab Almeloveeen in Caelium Aurelianum Notae & Animadversiones.
De Morbis Acutis & Chronicis Libri VIII. Soli Ex Omnium Methodicorum Scriptis Superstites. Jo Conradus Amman M.D. Recensuit, Emaculavit; Notulasque Adjecit. Accedunt Seorsim Theod. Janss. ab Almeloveeen in Caelium Aurelianum Notae & Animadversiones.
Aurelianus, Caelius
Catalogue No. e5328
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L'art des Accouchemens. 2 volumes.
L'art des Accouchemens. 2 volumes.
Baudelocque, J L
Catalogue No. e5985
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Engravings of the Arteries; Illustrating the Second Volume of the Anatomy of the Human Body, and Serving as An Introduction to the Surgery of the Arteries.
Engravings of the Arteries; Illustrating the Second Volume of the Anatomy of the Human Body, and Serving as An Introduction to the Surgery of the Arteries.
Bell, Charles
Catalogue No. bell05
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General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and the Practice of Medicine. 2 volume set.
General Anatomy, Applied to Physiology and the Practice of Medicine. 2 volume set.
Bichat, X; Coffyn, Constant [tr.]; Calvert, George [revised]
Catalogue No. e2982
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Anatome Animalium, Terrestrium Variorum, Volatilium, Aquatilium, Serpentum, Insectorum, Ovorumque, Structuram Naturalem. [The Anatomy of Animals, Land, Sea, Air, Serpents, Insects... The Structure of Natural Things From Vertebrae]
Anatome Animalium, Terrestrium Variorum, Volatilium, Aquatilium, Serpentum, Insectorum, Ovorumque, Structuram Naturalem. [The Anatomy of Animals, Land, Sea, Air, Serpents, Insects... The Structure of Natural Things From Vertebrae]
Blasius, Gerard; [Blaes, Gerard]
Catalogue No. j9596
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Atlas and Essentials of Pathological Anatomy. Volume I. Circulatory, Respiratory, and Digestive Aopparatus, Including the Liver, Bile Ducts, and Pancreas.
Atlas and Essentials of Pathological Anatomy. Volume I. Circulatory, Respiratory, and Digestive Aopparatus, Including the Liver, Bile Ducts, and Pancreas.
Bollinger, Dr O
Catalogue No. e6132
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Traité des Maladies Chirurgicales et des Operations Qui Leur Conviennent. Tome Second.
Traité des Maladies Chirurgicales et des Operations Qui Leur Conviennent. Tome Second.
Boyer, M Le Baron
Catalogue No. e2408a
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Traité des Maladies Chirurgicales et des Operations qui Leur Conviennent. Tome Troisième.
Traité des Maladies Chirurgicales et des Operations qui Leur Conviennent. Tome Troisième.
Boyer, M Le Baron
Catalogue No. e2408
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Cours de Phrénologie
Cours de Phrénologie
Broussais, F J V
Catalogue No. h1908
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Myographia Nova: or a Graphical  Description of All the Muscles in the Human Body, As They Arise in Dissection: Distributed in Six Lectures.... Together with a Philosophical and Mathematical Account of the Mechanism of Muscular Motion.
Myographia Nova: or a Graphical Description of All the Muscles in the Human Body, As They Arise in Dissection: Distributed in Six Lectures.... Together with a Philosophical and Mathematical Account of the Mechanism of Muscular Motion.
Browne, John
Catalogue No. r9948
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Opthalmic Surgery
Opthalmic Surgery
Carter, Robert Brudenell; Frost, William Adams
Catalogue No. h2398
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Fundamenta Materiae Medicae Tam Generalis Quam Specialiss, In Usum Academicum Conscripta. Tomus Primus.
Fundamenta Materiae Medicae Tam Generalis Quam Specialiss, In Usum Academicum Conscripta. Tomus Primus.
Cartheuser, Jo. Frederici
Catalogue No. e6038
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Osteographia, or the Anatomy of the Bones.
Osteographia, or the Anatomy of the Bones.
Cheselden, William
Catalogue No. h1213
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The Influence of Climate in the Prevention and Cure of Chronic Diseases ...
The Influence of Climate in the Prevention and Cure of Chronic Diseases ...
Clark, James
Catalogue No. q0667
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The Leeds and Liverpool Canal
The Leeds and Liverpool Canal
Clarke, Miles
Catalogue No. k4938
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Bibliotheca Anatomica, Medica, Chirurgica, &c. Containing a Description of the Several Parts of the Body Each Done by Some One of More Eminent Physician or Chirurgeon; with their Disease and Cures. 3 volume set.
Bibliotheca Anatomica, Medica, Chirurgica, &c. Containing a Description of the Several Parts of the Body Each Done by Some One of More Eminent Physician or Chirurgeon; with their Disease and Cures. 3 volume set.
Catalogue No. e6675
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Bibliotheca Anatomica, Medica, Chirurgica, &c. Containing a Description of the Several Parts of the Body Each Done by Some One of More Eminent Physician or Chirurgeon; with their Disease and Cures. Volume 2 [of 3].
Bibliotheca Anatomica, Medica, Chirurgica, &c. Containing a Description of the Several Parts of the Body Each Done by Some One of More Eminent Physician or Chirurgeon; with their Disease and Cures. Volume 2 [of 3].
Catalogue No. e6675a
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The Psychobiology of the Hand
The Psychobiology of the Hand
Connolly, Kevin J [ed.]
Catalogue No. k4109
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Lectures on Anatomy: Interspersed with Practical Remarks. 4 volume set.
Lectures on Anatomy: Interspersed with Practical Remarks. 4 volume set.
Cooper, B B
Catalogue No. e5094
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