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German Youth in a Changing World
German Youth in a Changing World
Apel, Rudolf; Beintker, Paul; Diem, Carl; Körber, Willi; [et al]; Gough, Gerald, Smith, Collin [transl.]R G
Catalogue No. j9296
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Principaux Événemens de l'Histoire de France, Depuis le Premier Roi Jusqu'a Napoléon-le-Grand
Principaux Événemens de l'Histoire de France, Depuis le Premier Roi Jusqu'a Napoléon-le-Grand
Arnaud, F H
Catalogue No. g1584
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History of the Wars of the French Revolution, from the Breaking out of the War in 1792, to the Restoration of a General Peace in 1815; Comprehending the Civil History of Great Britain and France, During that Period. 2 volume set.
History of the Wars of the French Revolution, from the Breaking out of the War in 1792, to the Restoration of a General Peace in 1815; Comprehending the Civil History of Great Britain and France, During that Period. 2 volume set.
Baines, Edward
Catalogue No. 1210
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Die Kleinplastik der Deutschen Renaissance in Holz und Stein
Die Kleinplastik der Deutschen Renaissance in Holz und Stein
Bange, E F
Catalogue No. g7902
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That Most Precious Merchandise. The Mediterranean Trade in Black Sea Slaves, 12601500.
That Most Precious Merchandise. The Mediterranean Trade in Black Sea Slaves, 12601500.
Barker, Hannah
Catalogue No. e7108
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Kings, Courtiers and Imperium. The Barbarian West, 565-725
Kings, Courtiers and Imperium. The Barbarian West, 565-725
Barnwell, P S
Catalogue No. j9017
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Trial By Fire and Water. The Medieval Judicial Ordeal
Trial By Fire and Water. The Medieval Judicial Ordeal
Bartlett, Robert
Catalogue No. k4703c
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Funerals, Politics and Memory in Modern France 1789-1996
Funerals, Politics and Memory in Modern France 1789-1996
Ben-Amos, Anver
Catalogue No. k2417
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Posta V Ghetto Terezín / Die Post im Ghetto Theresienstadt / Mail Service in the Ghetto Terezín
Posta V Ghetto Terezín / Die Post im Ghetto Theresienstadt / Mail Service in the Ghetto Terezín
Benes, Frantisek; Tosnerová, Patricia
Catalogue No. k4768
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Dictionnaire Historique de Paris. Two Volume Set.
Dictionnaire Historique de Paris. Two Volume Set.
Béraud, Antony; Dufey, P
Catalogue No. e1584
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Drachenfelser Chronik. Gerschichte eines Berges, seiner Burg und seiner Burggrafen.
Drachenfelser Chronik. Gerschichte eines Berges, seiner Burg und seiner Burggrafen.
Biesing, Winifried
Catalogue No. g5729
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Austria and After
Austria and After
Borkenau, Franz
Catalogue No. m0218
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The Age of the Grand Tour Containing Sketches of the Manners, Society and Customs of France, Flanders, The United Provinces, Germany, Switzerland and Italy in the Letters, Journals and Writings of the Most Celebrated Voyagers Between ... 1720 and 1820.
The Age of the Grand Tour Containing Sketches of the Manners, Society and Customs of France, Flanders, The United Provinces, Germany, Switzerland and Italy in the Letters, Journals and Writings of the Most Celebrated Voyagers Between ... 1720 and 1820.
Burgess, Anthony [intro.]; Haskell, Francis
Catalogue No. burg61aa
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Mémoires sur La Vie Privée de Marie Antoinette, Reine de France et de Navarre, Suivis de Souvenirs et Anecdotes Historiques Sur La Regnes de Louis XIV., de Louis XV., et de Louis XVI. 2 volume set.
Mémoires sur La Vie Privée de Marie Antoinette, Reine de France et de Navarre, Suivis de Souvenirs et Anecdotes Historiques Sur La Regnes de Louis XIV., de Louis XV., et de Louis XVI. 2 volume set.
Campan, Madame
Catalogue No. e8519
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The History of France: From the Establishment of that Monarchy under Pharamond, to the Death of Lewis XIII. 2 volume set
The History of France: From the Establishment of that Monarchy under Pharamond, to the Death of Lewis XIII. 2 volume set
Chalons, M
Catalogue No. g9502
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The History of France, volume II. The Cabinet Cyclopædia.
The History of France, volume II. The Cabinet Cyclopædia.
Crowe, Eyre Evans; Lardner, Dionysius [ed.]
Catalogue No. cyc21b
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The History of France, volume III. The Cabinet Cyclopædia.
The History of France, volume III. The Cabinet Cyclopædia.
Crowe, Eyre Evans; Lardner, Dionysius [ed.]
Catalogue No. cyc21c
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An Ambassador of the Vanquished. Viscount Élie de Gontaut-Biron's Mission to Berlin, 1871-1877.
An Ambassador of the Vanquished. Viscount Élie de Gontaut-Biron's Mission to Berlin, 1871-1877.
de Broglie, The Duke; Vandam, Albert D [tr.]
Catalogue No. e1543
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Continuation des Cause Célebres et Intéressantes; avec les Jugemens qui les ont Décidées. 4 volume set.
Continuation des Cause Célebres et Intéressantes; avec les Jugemens qui les ont Décidées. 4 volume set.
de la Ville, Jean Claude
Catalogue No. k0079
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Histoire de Dannemarc, Avant et Depuis L'etablissement de la Monarchie. Six Volume Set.
Histoire de Dannemarc, Avant et Depuis L'etablissement de la Monarchie. Six Volume Set.
de Roches, J B
Catalogue No. d0919
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