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Aeschyli Septem Contra Thebas. Ad Fidem Manuscriptorum Emendavit Notas et Glossarium
Aeschyli Septem Contra Thebas. Ad Fidem Manuscriptorum Emendavit Notas et Glossarium
Aeschylus; Blomfield, Carolus Jacobus
Catalogue No. e0013
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A Second Record of Classical Activities 1922-1929
A Second Record of Classical Activities 1922-1929
Anderton, Basil; Duff, John Wight
Catalogue No. d1926gb
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A Third Record (1929-36)
A Third Record (1929-36)
Anderton, Basil; Duff, John Wight
Catalogue No. d1926gc
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Some Greek and Roman Ideas of a Future Life
Some Greek and Roman Ideas of a Future Life
Bailey, Cyril
Catalogue No. r1301c
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The Year's Work in Classical Studies. 1914.
The Year's Work in Classical Studies. 1914.
Bailey, Cyril [ed.]
Catalogue No. tyw914
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The Year's Work in Classical Studies. 1915.
The Year's Work in Classical Studies. 1915.
Bailey, Cyril [ed.]
Catalogue No. tyw915
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Kings, Courtiers and Imperium. The Barbarian West, 565-725
Kings, Courtiers and Imperium. The Barbarian West, 565-725
Barnwell, P S
Catalogue No. j9017
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Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece During the Middle of the Fourth Century Before the Christian Æra. 8 volume set including the plate volume containing Maps, Plans, Views and Coins Illustrative of the Geography and Antiquities of Ancient Greece.
Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece During the Middle of the Fourth Century Before the Christian Æra. 8 volume set including the plate volume containing Maps, Plans, Views and Coins Illustrative of the Geography and Antiquities of Ancient Greece.
Barthelemi, Abbé
Catalogue No. r9929
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Idylls of Old Greece
Idylls of Old Greece
Blatchford, Ambrose N
Catalogue No. 2938
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Satura: Selected Poetry and Prose.
Satura: Selected Poetry and Prose.
Bray, John
Catalogue No. r9832
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Sexti Properti Opera Omnia with a Commentary
Sexti Properti Opera Omnia with a Commentary
Butler, H E
Catalogue No. r0812
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The Annual of the British School at Athens. Volume 68. 1973
The Annual of the British School at Athens. Volume 68. 1973
Catling, H W [ed.]
Catalogue No. bsa68
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Traduction Complète des Poésies de Catulle, suivie des Poésies de Gallus et de la Veillée des Fêtes de Venus. 2 volume set.
Traduction Complète des Poésies de Catulle, suivie des Poésies de Gallus et de la Veillée des Fêtes de Venus. 2 volume set.
Catulle [Catullus, Gaius Valerius]
Catalogue No. j7516
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Lysippe et Son Influence. Etudes de Divers Savants.
Lysippe et Son Influence. Etudes de Divers Savants.
Chamay, Jacques; Maier, Jean-Louis
Catalogue No. r0982
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Epistolarum ad Familiares, Tomus I & II + Paulli Manutii Commentarius in M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolas ad Familiares, Tomus I & II. 4 volumes bound as 2.
Epistolarum ad Familiares, Tomus I & II + Paulli Manutii Commentarius in M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolas ad Familiares, Tomus I & II. 4 volumes bound as 2.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Catalogue No. cic05
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Greece and Rome. Volume 1. 1-3. October 1931- May 1932
Greece and Rome. Volume 1. 1-3. October 1931- May 1932
Classical Association
Catalogue No. gre01
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Greece and Rome. Volume 2. 4 - 6. October 1932- May 1933
Greece and Rome. Volume 2. 4 - 6. October 1932- May 1933
Classical Association
Catalogue No. gre02
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Greece and Rome. Volume 3. 7 - 9. October 1933- May 1934
Greece and Rome. Volume 3. 7 - 9. October 1933- May 1934
Classical Association
Catalogue No. gre03
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Greece and Rome. Volume 4. 10 - 12. October 1934- May 1935
Greece and Rome. Volume 4. 10 - 12. October 1934- May 1935
Classical Association
Catalogue No. gre04
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Greece and Rome. Volume 5. 13 - 15. October 1935- May 1936
Greece and Rome. Volume 5. 13 - 15. October 1935- May 1936
Classical Association
Catalogue No. gre05
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