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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 1512 books)
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Influenza. Its Cause and Cure.
Influenza. Its Cause and Cure.
"Uncle Bob"
Catalogue No. d2503b
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Conversations on the Animal Economy. 2 volume set.
Conversations on the Animal Economy. 2 volume set.
A Physician
Catalogue No. e2736
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The Rent Acts 1920 - 1957
The Rent Acts 1920 - 1957
Abbey, Norman C
Catalogue No. c2811
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A Retrospect of Surgery in Kentucky. The Heritage of Kentucky Medicine.
A Retrospect of Surgery in Kentucky. The Heritage of Kentucky Medicine.
Abell, Irvin
Catalogue No. 1056
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Opuscula Medica Hactenus Edita... [bound with] Nova  Medicinae Tum Practicae Tum Speculativae Clavis. Sive Ars Explorandi  Medicas Plantarum, ac Corporum Quorumcumque Facultates ex Solo Sapore
Opuscula Medica Hactenus Edita... [bound with] Nova Medicinae Tum Practicae Tum Speculativae Clavis. Sive Ars Explorandi Medicas Plantarum, ac Corporum Quorumcumque Facultates ex Solo Sapore
Abercrombii, Davidis [Abercromby, David]
Catalogue No. e5831
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An Enquiry into the Probability and Rationality of Mr Hunter's Theory of Life.
An Enquiry into the Probability and Rationality of Mr Hunter's Theory of Life.
Abernethy, John
Catalogue No. j8442
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Surgical Observations of the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases; and on Aneurisms
Surgical Observations of the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases; and on Aneurisms
Abernethy, John
Catalogue No. c1483
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Surgical Observations on Injuries of the Head; and On Miscellaneous Subjects. [bound with] Surgical Observations on Tumours and On Lumbar Abscesses. 2 separate volumes in one.
Surgical Observations on Injuries of the Head; and On Miscellaneous Subjects. [bound with] Surgical Observations on Tumours and On Lumbar Abscesses. 2 separate volumes in one.
Abernethy, John
Catalogue No. e4995
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Surgical Observations on Tumours and on Lumbar Abcesses
Surgical Observations on Tumours and on Lumbar Abcesses
Abernethy, John
Catalogue No. h2110
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The Surgical Works of John Abernethy. I. On the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases; Aneurism; Diseases Resembling Syphilis; and Diseases of the Urethra. II. On Injuries of the Head; Miscellaneous Subjects; Tumours; and Lumbar Abscesses.
The Surgical Works of John Abernethy. I. On the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases; Aneurism; Diseases Resembling Syphilis; and Diseases of the Urethra. II. On Injuries of the Head; Miscellaneous Subjects; Tumours; and Lumbar Abscesses....
Abernethy, John
Catalogue No. e4814
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The Surgical Works of John Abernethy. I. On the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases; Aneurism; II Diseases Resembling Syphilis; and Diseases of the Urethra.  Two volumes bound as one
The Surgical Works of John Abernethy. I. On the Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases; Aneurism; II Diseases Resembling Syphilis; and Diseases of the Urethra. Two volumes bound as one
Abernethy, John
Catalogue No. e4814a
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The Surgical Works of John Abernethy. Vol II. On Injuries of the Head; Miscellaneous Subjects;Tumours; Lumbar Absesses.. [Bound with] Introductory Lectures Exhibiting Some of Mr Hunter's Opinions Respecting Life and Diseases....
The Surgical Works of John Abernethy. Vol II. On Injuries of the Head; Miscellaneous Subjects;Tumours; Lumbar Absesses.. [Bound with] Introductory Lectures Exhibiting Some of Mr Hunter's Opinions Respecting Life and Diseases....
Abernethy, John
Catalogue No. e4814b
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Acta Physico-Medica Academię Caesareę Leopoldino Carolinae Naturę Curiosorum Exhibentia Ephemerides. Volumen Quintum [Journal of Physics of the Academy of Medicine showing Papers of Emperor Charles Leopold Volume V]
Acta Physico-Medica Academię Caesareę Leopoldino Carolinae Naturę Curiosorum Exhibentia Ephemerides. Volumen Quintum [Journal of Physics of the Academy of Medicine showing Papers of Emperor Charles Leopold Volume V]
Academię Caesareę
Catalogue No. j8919
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A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs [in Both Sexes.]. Part I - Non-Specific Diseases. Part II - Syphilis.
A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs [in Both Sexes.]. Part I - Non-Specific Diseases. Part II - Syphilis.
Acton, William
Catalogue No. e4959
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The Seven Books of Paulus Ęgineta [Aegineta]. Volume I.
The Seven Books of Paulus Ęgineta [Aegineta]. Volume I.
Adams, Francis; Ęgineta. Paulus [Aegineta]
Catalogue No. oss01a
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The Seven Books of Paulus Ęgineta [Aegineta]. Volume II.
The Seven Books of Paulus Ęgineta [Aegineta]. Volume II.
Adams, Francis; Ęgineta. Paulus [Aegineta]
Catalogue No. oss01b
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A New Operation for Bony Anchylosis of the Hip Joint with Malposition of the Limb by Subcutaneous Division of the Neck of the Thigh-Bone.
A New Operation for Bony Anchylosis of the Hip Joint with Malposition of the Limb by Subcutaneous Division of the Neck of the Thigh-Bone.
Adams, William
Catalogue No. e4804
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A Practical Inquiry into the Causes of the Frequent Failure of the Operations of Depression, and of the Extraction of the Cataract, as Usually Performed, with the Description of a Series of New and Improved Operations...
A Practical Inquiry into the Causes of the Frequent Failure of the Operations of Depression, and of the Extraction of the Cataract, as Usually Performed, with the Description of a Series of New and Improved Operations...
Adams, William
Catalogue No. e2653
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Club-Foot: Is Causes, Pathology, and Treatment. Being the Essay to Which the Jacksonian Prize for 1864, Given by the Royal College of Surgeons, was Awarded.
Club-Foot: Is Causes, Pathology, and Treatment. Being the Essay to Which the Jacksonian Prize for 1864, Given by the Royal College of Surgeons, was Awarded.
Adams, William
Catalogue No. e4803
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Club-Foot: Its Causes, Pathology, and Treatment. Being the Essay to Which the Jacksonian Prize for 1864, Given by the Royal College of Surgeons, was Awarded
Club-Foot: Its Causes, Pathology, and Treatment. Being the Essay to Which the Jacksonian Prize for 1864, Given by the Royal College of Surgeons, was Awarded
Adams, William
Catalogue No. e4803a
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