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A Guide to the Examination of the Nose. With Remarks on the Diagnosis of Diseases of the Nasal Cavities
A Guide to the Examination of the Nose. With Remarks on the Diagnosis of Diseases of the Nasal Cavities
Baber, H Cresswell
Catalogue No. h2526
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Resuscitatio Or, Bringing into Public Light Several Pieces of the Works Civil, Historical, Philosophical, and Theological, Hitherto Sleeping. Of The Right Honourable Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, In Two Parts.
Resuscitatio Or, Bringing into Public Light Several Pieces of the Works Civil, Historical, Philosophical, and Theological, Hitherto Sleeping. Of The Right Honourable Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, In Two Parts.
Bacon, Francis
Catalogue No. frb22
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Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Natural Historie, in Ten Centuries. [with] A New Atlantis.
Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Natural Historie, in Ten Centuries. [with] A New Atlantis.
Bacon, Francis
Catalogue No. frb25a
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The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, and Lord High Chancellor of England. 10 volume set.
The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, and Lord High Chancellor of England. 10 volume set.
Bacon, Francis
Catalogue No. frb28
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Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning
Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning
Bacon, Francis; Kitchin, G W [ed.]
Catalogue No. frb20
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A New Abridgment of the Law. 5 volume set.
A New Abridgment of the Law. 5 volume set.
Bacon, Matthew
Catalogue No. r2684
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The Eastern Counties. Thorough Guide Series volume VI.
The Eastern Counties. Thorough Guide Series volume VI.
Baddeley, M J B; Ward, C S [eds.]
Catalogue No. tgs06
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Allemagne. Manuel du Voyageur. 14th edition. 1914.
Allemagne. Manuel du Voyageur. 14th edition. 1914.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae18fn
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Belgien und Holland nebst dem Grossherzogthum Luxembourg. Handbuch für Reisende. 18th edition. 1888.
Belgien und Holland nebst dem Grossherzogthum Luxembourg. Handbuch für Reisende. 18th edition. 1888.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae05gr
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Belgien und Holland. Handbuch für Reisende. 16th edition. 1884.
Belgien und Holland. Handbuch für Reisende. 16th edition. 1884.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae05gp
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Belgien. Handbüchlein für Reisende, nach Eigener Anschauung und den besten Hülfsquellen Bearbeitet. 3rd edition. 1845.
Belgien. Handbüchlein für Reisende, nach Eigener Anschauung und den besten Hülfsquellen Bearbeitet. 3rd edition. 1845.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae05gc
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Belgique et Hollande. Manuel du Voyageur. 12th edition. 1885.
Belgique et Hollande. Manuel du Voyageur. 12th edition. 1885.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae05fL
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Belgium and Holland, Including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Handbook for Travellers. 8th edition. 1885.
Belgium and Holland, Including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Handbook for Travellers. 8th edition. 1885.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae05aha
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Die Rheinlande [Bords du Rhin]. Von der Schwerizer Bis zur Hollandische Grenze, etc. Handbuch für Reisende. 25th edition. 1890.
Die Rheinlande [Bords du Rhin]. Von der Schwerizer Bis zur Hollandische Grenze, etc. Handbuch für Reisende. 25th edition. 1890.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae35gy
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Die Schweiz nebst den Angrenzenden Teilen von Oberitalien, Savoyen und Tirol [Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy and Tyrol].  Handbuch für Reisende. [Handbook for Travellers]. 23rd edition. 1889.
Die Schweiz nebst den Angrenzenden Teilen von Oberitalien, Savoyen und Tirol [Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy and Tyrol]. Handbuch für Reisende. [Handbook for Travellers]. 23rd edition. 1889.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39gw
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Die Schweiz nebst den Angrenzenden Teilen von Oberitalien, Savoyen und Tirol [Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy and Tyrol]. Handbuch für Reisende. [Handbook for Travellers]. 23rd edition. 1889.
Die Schweiz nebst den Angrenzenden Teilen von Oberitalien, Savoyen und Tirol [Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy and Tyrol]. Handbuch für Reisende. [Handbook for Travellers]. 23rd edition. 1889.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae39gwa
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Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Douzième Édition. 1900.
Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Douzième Édition. 1900.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae25fm
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Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Huitième Édition. 1887.
Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Huitième Édition. 1887.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae25fma
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Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Quatorzième Édition. 1909.
Italie Centrale. Rome. Manuel du Voyageur. Quatorzième Édition. 1909.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae25fmb
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Italie Méridionale [Southern Italy]. Manuel du Voyageur. 10th edition. 1893.
Italie Méridionale [Southern Italy]. Manuel du Voyageur. 10th edition. 1893.
Baedeker, Karl
Catalogue No. bae27fj
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