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Advanced Search Help:
  • Author: type author�s surname and (optionally) forename in any order
  • Title: type words that appear in the title (or the full title)
  • Keywords: type words that may appear in either the author�s name, book title, book description
  • Date from/to allow you to specify a range of publication dates
  • If you are unsure about the spelling, use an asterisk, e.g., Samuel Jo*. (Asterisks act as 'wild cards'.) In this case, books would come up by Samuel Jones, Samuel Johnson, Samuel Johnston, etc.
  • If you can't remember the author's name or the book title, just enter a few keywords e.g. English Civil War
  • You can use AND, OR, double-quotes, brackets for greater control of the search results. E.g. typing into the title:
    • Northumberland OR Durham will find books with either Northumberland or Durham in the title
    • Northumberland AND Durham will find books with both Northumberland and Durham in the title
    • "Durham Cathedral" will find books with the exact phrase Durham Cathedral in the title. (It would thus not find a book called The Cathedral of Durham.)
    • (Cathedral) AND (Canterbury OR Durham) would find books with Cathedral plus either Canterbury or Durham in the title